I agree about the windscreen washer solution too, I've used that in the past, buy it in 5l containers from either Kwik Save or Somerfield. Very cheap indeed.
But using the specialist window cleaning solutions from the likes of Unger, the makers of GG3/4, Ettore and so on is just as good.
The problem with the windscreen sulution is that awful blue dye they use to colour it....why?? I found that really annoying
The windcreen solution is also good to put in a sprayer (heavily diluted of course) and to use on internal office glass, mist the windows and squeegee off afterwards.
Very little mess; offices are usually non smoking and apart form the odd finger smudge you have to rub off I have found this a great way to do this kind of work.
Though now I just use Unger solution in my sprayer.
Rinse aid is good too, but you don't want to many different chemicals in your solution, and you need to be careful one won't cancel the other out!
Acetone in the concentrations you would need would leave you as high as a kite :
I find that stuff bad enough when I have to get the nail polish of my finger and toe nails.....
I have a daughter that thinks it's a hoot to paint them when I fall asleep in the chair of an evening, particularly if I've been out and come home with a skinful on board
This can be really embarrassing during the summer months when you have sandals on.
You blearily wake up in the chair, stagger off upstairs to bed, gritty eyed you awaken in the morning, it's 5am and you are not looking at your hands or your feet.....
After you have done an hour or two of work, and you are standing in a queue waiting to collect the money from whatever shop you have cleaned you look down at your feet and finally notice you have lovely pink nails
You are further shocked when you hand over the invoice and see your fingernails have also been painted
Embarrassment levels are now running at maximum but you are slightly distracted from them as you are now also praying that when you rush back to the van and check out your face in the mirror you will find that you still have your eyebrows
Bloody daughters
I reckon half my customers think I'm a trannie
I'm sorry, I digressed...I do that a lot
Tar encrusted pub windows are a real pain, but soapy water, whether from specialist liquids or fairy liquid will all do the job, but you do need to do it in a couple of stages.
Squeaks was the one who pointed out to me just how cheap the Tesco own brand window cleaning solution is, and how quickly it evaporates too.
I will try all sorts to help my life be a little easier, but for that final finish I have so far found nothing that is markedly better than the tesco one.