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  • Posts: 498
Good day, Good day - Bad Day
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:12:42 pm »
Its my boys 4th birthday today so I started at 6:30 and did commercials.  Got them all done by 11 but was feeling a bit cold today.

Picked up my boy, took him to play area and then to the cinema to watch Tinkerbell and the pirate fairy's but felt cold all afternoon....

now I am in so much pain all over.  think I have a flu coming on....

Simon Mess

  • Posts: 1097
Re: Good day, Good day - Bad Day
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 06:44:51 pm »
Ah, 4 years old, bless!, i can barely remember when my youngest was that age, never mind his big brother!. Enjoy it as much as you can, because they wont be that small and that much fun (tiring too!) for long. Plenty of hot drinks, vitamin c, and paracetamol for the 'flu' (is that man flu?!)