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  • Posts: 8974
Re: News from HSE on solar panel cleaning
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2014, 07:15:45 pm »
When we were at school they used to liken the voltage to a double decker bus. It could be enormous but if it traveled at one mile per hour it would only nudge you when you stepped in front of it. If it traveled at fifty miles an hour and struck you (ampage) then you're finished.
I'm no electrician (my son is) but I believe solar panels produce direct current which then goes through an inverter converting it to alternating current suitable for the grid and household use.

I'll try and find the ampage.

I'm surprised how difficult it is to find any safety information. I also find it odd that Steve can subbie out jobs (with or without RAMS) willy nilly to any windowcleaner in any postcode that suits.

So we have to assume it's pretty safe?

You don't know what goes on after the contactor is found Dave.  If one comes up in your area, give it a whirl and you may learn something.  Also, on residentials and as I've said before, the risk is much lower. 

A lot of the houses on my estate have 15 panels.
Did you say that a thread(?) can have Upto 100 Steve?
Is it oversimplifying it to say the current/ampage/voltage would be 15%?
They call them 'strings' not threads, but I know what you mean!
Strings can have as many as the inverter will handle. Yes, it is over-simplifying. Sorry.

People still don't seem to believe me, but this is complicated stuff. If I was bluffing about the detail, how come everyone doesn't know about this?

Not a rant at you mate, I'm just saying...

No worries bud.
I'm genuinely interested in the mechanics of them.
I clean quite a few but I'm not worried about the shock-I just trust the installer...
I know you say commercial is different (and I believe you) it's just that I don't do any so I'm only interested from a knowledge point if view rather than my own safety.
I do like the solar posts though.

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.