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Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: So, who's cleaned their windows today?
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2014, 07:15:07 pm »
I cleaned my own windows the other day. Results were perfect (trad).

I am, however, just a few miles from the Atlantic, and afte the high winds we experienced here recently, many of my customers' windows have been minging.

This week I have found it just about the hardest going ever to get them clean. I even had a call back from one customer, and it took two more cleans to get them right.

The salt seems to stick like glue, and I have found that using a damp cloth to wipe the glass before washing, plus using hot water, has solved this problem.

Salt is used as a thickening agent in shampoos, other cosmetic products and washing up liquids and it works by combining with other ingredients to increase the viscosity of the finished product. It's not unusual for a shampoo to contain as much as 5% salt for this purpose and bearing in mind the viscosity of Fairy Liquid, it probably contains at least a similar amount.

Hi I've worked near the "Seaside" for a good while - not so glorious when you're cleaning windows traditional.
Worst thing is detergent for the above reason.
The salt spray is horrible.
Sopping wet applicator - next to nothing soap wise.

I appreciate the tip.  :)

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.