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  • Posts: 563
« on: March 17, 2006, 02:55:56 pm »
Hello, there just setting out and ready to get going, but we have a problem with our wand.

The jet works fine and we get a good fan of water when we press the tigger however when we release the trigger we still get drips ar water that are drenching the carpet.  We have stipped the trigger mechanism and replaced the rubber o-rings we have also re-PTFE'd and tightened all the joints but we are still getting the same problem, do i need to replace the jet on the end, and if so where does everyone order thier jets from?

Hope you can help.

Many thanks.

Dan Williams

  • Posts: 146
Re: Help!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 03:03:16 pm »

phone them up and ask to speak to Chris



  • Posts: 141
Re: Help!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2006, 03:07:20 pm »
i would just take it to your local cleaning suppliers get them to have a quick look at it wouldnt think it's a big job to put right ! other then that turn it upside down so it catch's the water in it !
all the best


  • Posts: 380
Re: Help!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 03:27:44 pm »

As mentioned in a few previous threads, the jets have an anti-drip mechanism somewhere after the main valve.  Try searching the forum for other posts, but basically this can get clogged and cause the wand to drip.

In our Prochem twin jet wand they are just before the jet at the end of the wand and consist of a filter a spring and a ball bearing.  We stopped ours dripping by:

Cleaning the filter
Remove and polish the ball bearing
Slightly stretch the spring and reassemble,

Hope this helps

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