I've got nearly all my domestic on MOD houses. Average age of my custies is 25. There're no cheques here in "ze fatherland".
I work a 6 weekly run, so DD is out.
Online banking is in Gurmun only, so most custies are knackered on that one.
I like collecting though, and collect on Sundays or last two days of the month. (When they have money!! )This gives me contact with custies who are always out when we work, and also, indirectly takes the pressure off to only have the windows cleaned when they have money in the house (Not today, I'm skint etc)
In general, I've got about 200 to 300 quid outstanding at the end of each 6 weekly run, and I can live with that. Any messers get dropped, and I canvass to replace the ones who're posted out every 6 months now.
All of my Brit custies will be gone in about 5 years, so we're putting more into our other work instaead. In my opinion, collecting is a good thing as it puts a face to the service that they're paying for. If they know you or at least know what you look like and have some contact with you, they're less likely to jump to another cleaner, even when these can be much cheaper. Personal service matters IMO.