I am surprised that you take that view “Unbelievable”
As on your own website you have done what i would like to do, and done it far better than i ever could ,
Many carpet cleaners could do with spending sometime watching them.
Each one give details of equipment used, solutions used and names, dwell time process extraction drying heat degrees used application etc .
Then a detailed video of how to clean your car, what is used, how to do it, what equipment to use.
I personally think your website and videos are great , but you really should think before you post remarks like unbelievable.
Why waste time and money investing in training when you can simply visit this website?
Unbeleivable... if I get work of with that kind of advertising why wouldn't i.
It works when customers ring me they talk about booking times, as they have made their minds up and talk to me like they know me as they have invested time reading the articles, the average visitor reads at least 3.
its converting far better than a website most dont give enough information , and you all look at it from the point of view as a cc .
The bottom line should read..... When you have made a c++k up, ring us and we will try to sort it out.
That,s exactly what is happening