Customers will not be convinced by wfp for a few months like mark said.
I started wfp on the 3rd of Jan 06.I have lost 15 customers in that time loseing £145.00, but Only 2 of those have been cos they did not want wfp.They both said I could clean it Trad and carry on. I said its Wfp or get yourself another w/c. So those 2 x customers are looking for another w/c.
The rest I have lost mainly because of putting up my prices 20%.
On the plus side I have taken on 36 new customers with an income of £435.00.
I did a customer on Monday who I fully expected to loose because she does not like wfp, or the mess it makes, wet floors & walls. I do her top windows and downstairs bay window. As a compromise I offered to clean her bay Trad, but upstairs would only be done wfp.To my suprise she said she would prefer me to clean the bay with wfp. She must now be getting used to haveing the frames cleaned for free and despite not likeing the mess she knows its worthwhile. As the temp starts to get warmmer and the glass dries faster I think all my customers will be hooked on wfp. The only danger then is another wfp cleaner undercutting me, But if they are no good with the system I could be safe.
Stick to your guns lad and dont get depressed about it. You can allways get more work but remmber the golden rule, You are in charge of your buisness not the customer.