I am very much a leaflets man. We have used leaflets to great effect.
You are wasting your Money with printed glossy leaflets (unless they get you a 3% return, which you don't). All you need is an A5 sheet, black and white, with a local phone number, ADDRESS and what you offer.
We have changed our leaflet design very little over the last 20+ years, only to include email address and website. We got a 1% hit rate then, we get a 1% hit rate now.
It is my belief (although I cannot prove it, I could make up a statistic but there is no point) that customers who have contacted you from a leaflet, sign, advert, recommendation from a friend/neighbour, whatever, are more likely to to remain as customers giving you a solid customer base.
Each to their own I suppose. You can call leaflets 'junk mail' all you like, I'd still rather receive a leaflet for something I'm not interested in than get yet another sales call or some guy chapping at my door. Like I said, each to their own.