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nick p

  • Posts: 345
partners in business
« on: February 22, 2006, 04:26:12 pm »

any one heard of these people they tell me they can get me lots of leads for carpet cleaning every month just had a look at there site they want£396 a year think i wont be joining but just though id ask if any one else has

cheers nick p

HQCS (John Kastrian)

  • Posts: 272
Re: partners in business
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 06:17:13 pm »
Nick,just another parasitic company trying to get their hands on your hard earned cash,there are lots of similar ones doing the rounds.-John


Re: partners in business
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 06:22:42 pm »
i agree with john, its all nonsense, they specsficly target new buisness because they know they want and need work, its simple for them..

'promise them work and take there money'

thats about the top and bottom of it!


  • Posts: 1120
Re: partners in business
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 06:53:53 pm »
Tell them if they get you work then you will pay them commission and hear their reaction!

God must love stupid people---He made so many.

nick p

  • Posts: 345
Re: partners in business
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2006, 07:12:27 pm »

thanks for replys thought they were just another scam really wont be joining might try sugesting the comision deal to them see what response i get

had ufindus twice this week dont matter how many times you tell them to go away they dont

cheers nick p

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: partners in business
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2006, 11:53:36 pm »

Ive read posts about this before. everybody says its a bad idea, but I cannot recall anyone who has tried it.

So if anyone has a spare £400 perhaps they would like to give it try and report back.

 ??? ??? ??? ???

Please do not act on this.


  • Posts: 2044
Re: partners in business
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2006, 11:13:15 am »
Ian,  I used to be in a franchise and many colleagues tried directories for The Fire Service, local hospitals, this, that and the other and while they all promised "a massive boost to your business" or similar cobblers, none of them ever gave a worthwhile return.

I very much doubt if the position has changed, if they were such a great success the plumbers, roofers, joiners, builders, glaziers, driving instructors and all the other local businessmen and women we all know would be raving about them.

Same with charity/volunteer etc directories, why give £100 - £200 a year to get in a directory which brings in nothing for you and 60% of the money to the directory producer. Give the money straight to the organisation and see a far greater % of the money used in the local community.

Here endeth today's sermon!  ;D

Edit: 3.30 pm and just had one on the phone supposedly from the Fire Brigade! Before he could start, "No thanks I don't want to go in your directory", the b****** hung up without another word.  ;D ;D

Re: partners in business
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2006, 08:27:12 pm »
If you want to find out about new businesses (or relocating) just keep an eye on the jobs section of your local paper; anyone recruiting loads of staff has new premises (and no cleaning contract) so get round there!

Local paper..... 28p. Well cheaper than "partners in business".


Re: partners in business
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2006, 08:39:53 pm »
i come to notice when these, lets face it con men phone up trying to sell cr*p, soon as they see your a no go they hang up!

obvously they feel it takes to long to say good buy when they could be persuding another punter to part with there money, so i found the best way to annoy them is let them go on and on there sales pitch i even put the phone down for a bit letting them carry on, then after 5-10 mins tell them no.

they hate it!!! ;D

waste there time!!

John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd

  • Posts: 101
Re: partners in business
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2006, 09:26:47 pm »
I have been doing this job for about 12 yrs now and nothing changes, ie there
is always someone trying to get money out of you. I know from bitter exp
that these scams and that is what they are, are a comepleat wast of money.
Trouble is when your just starting up you will try almost anyithing to get work

                                                  Take Care John