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sales leads???
« on: March 07, 2006, 02:10:25 pm »
I am starting a new business and just looking for some feedback if possible.
Ive been cleaning ovens for 2 years but plan to give it up to go in another direction.

I am starting a sales lead business, which basically supplies names and addresses of people who plan to have work done on their property(extensions, conservatories etc etc). these people however need builders, joiners, cleaners, gardeners etc, they need a multitude of tradesmen to complete their projects.

I gather information via telemarketing, planning registers, advertising and from people moving house.

If people are having work done to their property or moving house they will obviously have cash in the pocket, so these names are like gold dust to potential businesses, even carpet cleaners and cleaners in general.

I will be able to provide leads in all areas nationwide and can provide between 40 and 200 per month per area, depending on where you are based, at a cost of £50 per month,
I can also offer the exclusive agreement rights to your postcode area, which means I wouldnt supply anybody else in your area with the same type of business with the same leads.

How many leads could you get from a £50 ad in your local paper? certainly not upto 200 or even more.

and remember these are people who are guaranteed to be doing work on their property, all with cash in their pocket.

Names and addresses will be supplied on sticky labels, just pop onto an envelope with your sales leaflet/brochure, easy as that.

Couldnt you do this yourself? of course you could, if you have plenty of time for paper work, research and studying certain laws.
most people wouldnt be prepared to put in the time, this is where I fill the gap, by doing this for you.

I am not fishing for business here but would just like to receive feedback from all types of cleaners to see if they would value a service such as this, any feedback whatsoever or questions would be most appreciated.

Please note: This service will not be available until june/july but if you would like to receive any information in the post near that time please let me know.

many regards


D woods

Re: sales leads???
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 03:31:55 pm »
Hi Derek
Why did you give up oven cleaning was it because the competion is so hot ?

*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: sales leads???
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 03:46:08 pm »
Hi Derek,
sounds really interesting and good luck in your venture.
When you say leads, what do you actually mean? are they definate leads that are looking for certain contractors? how can you get them and not us ?sorry to sound a bit thick but i am interested to know how it works.



Re: sales leads???
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 04:02:11 pm »
Hi chris,
When someone is planning for instance a two storey extension to their house, they are going to need builders, joiners, roofers and even cleaners. These people have to apply for planning permission and as a registered data controller I can access their information and keep it on file.
 All information I gather is available to all, but you have to know what to do and where to look, Ive researched this business for over a year and its took me a long time to get all the information and facts correct.
If I told everyone the exact ins and outs of this business and where and how to gather information  there would be no point in having a business because everyone could do it their selves.
I will also gather data from people moving house, by telemarketing and just by advertising.
This business relies on research, alot of paper work and basically just what some would call plain boring work so alot of people would not be willing to go through this process even if they knew what they were doing.


*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: sales leads???
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 10:30:15 pm »
wheres he gone?



  • Posts: 3688
Re: sales leads???
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 10:32:43 pm »
Think you scared him off  :-\

Was it something you said  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 35
Re: sales leads???
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 04:48:05 pm »
sorry just had to change password
Money isn't eveything, It's the only thing


  • Posts: 175
Re: sales leads???
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 06:07:09 pm »
I used to work for a company that provided information like this to the building and construction industry.

Basically, field reps collect the info from their local councils on all new and refurbishment planning applications - literally everything from a new conservatory to a new office block/shopping centre or even housing development.  This then gets enhanced by desk researchers at the head office, who add value, contact info, etc . ..  That then gets packaged up and flogged to anyone who wants to buy it.

For example, Marley Roof Tiles would buy the leads, so that they know who to target in order to sell their roof tiles.

texaco would want to know everything Esso are doing (and vice versa).  Ever wonder why you get petrol stations opposite eachother . ..

Basically, it goes to show that with time and skill, you can convert any old information into something useful.

Re: sales leads???
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 07:57:28 pm »
You can get similar information from your local council's planning department, and if you are a bricklayer, plumber, sparky or whatever then it's very useful.

It could be a year or more before the building's complete, so as a cleaner you need to mailshot at regular monthly intervals.

There's a chance of a big "post build" clean-up as well as regular work.

And of course you can't clean the windows till they've been fitted!

Not so much work here for carpet cleaners...... first the carpet has to get all mucky........