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  • Posts: 1137
Its drove me mad today. Tenth week on wfp and one of my pumps has been playing up today. I have a 90mtr real of M/bore hose and when I turn the valve open on my m/bore hose the pump works for 30 seconds then it starts switching itself on and off all the time. The flow rate is good and I am getting enough water through but I dont like lisetning to the pump switching itself on and off.

How do I get rid of the airlock?

I took the hose of my real when I got home and switched the pump on and the pump works non stop,pumping water out of the hose real.But when  I connect the m/bore hose back to it. the pump starts switching itself on and off.

I have 100mtr M/bore on the second real, Its 10 mtrs longer and works a treat, though it uses a diffrent pump but the same make a 60psi flowjet.

The only thing I can think off thats given me a problem is the 90mtr hose is connected together with  a 30 mtr length and a 60 mtr length. So I am wondering if any Air is getting in at this connection. Or because it as an internal connection that narrows the water flow at this point so creating a problem.

Your help and thoughts would be greatly apprecciated.



  • Posts: 1642
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 09:05:03 pm »
NEIL:I F YOUVE GOT A GOOD FLOW WATER TO BRUSH,everything else ok its not a problem,its the pump reaching its pressure cut off point which it should do under normal use.

Put a short length of pipe to it and put your finger over the end it will switch off
remove finger continuoues flow and no switching on /off




  • Posts: 1137
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 09:29:24 pm »

I have just come in from the van, I have been running all sorts of tests,Checking and reconnecting all my John Guest fittings, My conclusion is that the pump is faulty.

I have tried both M/bore hoses with the good pump, On the good pump  The pump works continuously without stop starting. I ran it for a full 10 mins and  the pump did not stop once. So I know I dont have an airlock in my M/bore hose.

When I tried both M/bore hoses with the Faulty pump.It ran continuosuly for 30 secs then it was stop start in very quick bursts.

Up untill today I have never heard the pump switching itself on and off like that. If it is a pressure issue surely the pump would of switched itself on and off when I first started in Jan, It should also be the same for both pumps not just one.

Still open to advice.

Anyone know the Tel number for Flowjet?


Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 09:35:05 pm »

the pump pumps water which is fed into it via a certain size bore the pump will be under even more pressure when trying to pump water down a smaller bore the standard used pumps at present havent really had enough testing with the micro-bore hose, in reality you need to check the pump but preferably change back to 1/2" hose OR increase your pump to a higher spec,flow

skypole systems


  • Posts: 1642
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 09:54:11 pm »
Just a thought are you running two pumps at the same time,is 1  starving the other? ave you a filter that could be part blocked?

just daft thinks that you can over look in a blind panic



  • Posts: 3503
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 10:07:03 pm »
Try running the problem pump with the hose that is all one lengh. It may just be that the connector is causing a back pressure by restricting the bore size. DAI


  • Posts: 1137
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 10:18:56 pm »
Thanks Stuart.

I took advice from Gardinerpolesystems who have been useing m/bore for some considerable  time and they recommend the 60psi Flowjet pump with it. I do not want to go back to 1/2" hose. I dont beleive in going backwards.


I do run both pumps at once at work and they have allways worked fine together. The system was installed by somebody who knows his onions.At work today one pump was in full song, and the other sounded as though it was chokeing to death.

It is not a case of one pump starving the other. Because I was testing the pumps on their own tonight with only one running at a time. The faulty pump if I can call it that still sounded as though it was being choked.

If I was haveing nookie with the mrs and I was stop/ starting like that pump she would give me a clip round the ear.
With the words ringing in my ears ON YOUR BIKE SON.

It cant be a blockage or filter problem because it would be affecting both pumps.

You can bet your bottom dollar that if theirs  1 faulty pump per 1000. I will end up buying it.

Any more ideas?



  • Posts: 1137
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 10:23:19 pm »
Tried that Dai,

The pump was still switching itself on and off with the 100mtr hose without the connecter.



Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 10:47:19 pm »


  I had a problem when I used microbore my flow was stopping a starting and was
  driving me mad. Eventually I solved it, my connection to my pump was slightly
  loose and once I tightened it the problem was solved. Any loose connection will
  effect the pump as it will be drawing in air. 

  Don't know if this may help.


Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 10:49:37 pm »

the people that stock equipment dont allways ensure they are able to offer the best advice,

you may well have a fualty pump but do speak to someone who knows and works with pumps everyday in any industry and they will give you un biassed info
ps hope you sort out the pump prob

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2006, 10:28:38 am »
Hi Neil,

Get back to whoever supplied the Pump if you think that it is faulty.

BUT it does sound like your system is drawing in air somewhere I would look at the pump barbs on either side of the pump, one of them may well be leaking slightly, then check all your other connections around that pump, only then should you contact whoever supplied the pump.


P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2006, 10:44:17 am »
I had this yesterday with my trolley system , went into my supplier pulling his leg that he had sold me a duff pump , he promptly punched me on the nose and then turned his attention to the jubilee clip that i had neglected to tighten up on the feed to the pump , it was the tiniest of air leaks but it made the difference between water and no water !

I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !


  • Posts: 1137
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2006, 09:05:06 pm »
Thanks for the replys.

After reading Dougs comment I gave  the adapter(Dont know the correct name) thats attached to the troubled pump itself a quater of a turn before I went to work. For the first hour it was switching on and off. But not as frequently as on Thursday.

Then I could not belive it. It just worked normally again for the rest of the day. I suppose their could of been a little bit of air getting in on the connection itself on the pump. It does vibrate a fair bit when its in full war cry. So the Plastic bolt may of worked loose.

Thanks for the help.Though I was looking forward to reading a Shakespearean piece of English litreature on the finer points of Air locks of Master Giles. I suppose I can live with the disapointment.



H h20

Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2006, 09:08:57 pm »
Well done Neil,it`s frustrating when you just can`t put your finger on it,and then out of the blue something so simple can make so much difference,glad to hear you are ok now,all the best,Gaz  ;)


Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2006, 09:21:02 pm »


  Glad you back up running, the smallest of problems can stop your water
  flowing which can be frustrating. Had another problem the other day and
  couldn't seem to find it, until I dismatled my brush and found a small bit
  of debris in the Y connector.



  • Posts: 1137
Re: HELP. How do you get rid of an Airlock in MicroBore Hose Real?
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2006, 09:22:26 pm »
Thanks Gaz.

I thought I had a new problem today. Put my backpack on my back ,It was brim full walked halfway down a terraced street on the steepest hill in Lancaster. Put my finger on the button to power her up. Zilchhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Tried the connections, nothing working, Trundle back up the hill cursing B*****Y  F******G WFP. Curses aplenty.

Decided no collecting tonight, No work on the van, I just brought a battery in to put on  trickle charge. I Brought the Backpack Battery in and the plastic top cover fell off. Whey Hey Your an idiot Lawlor, The two terminals had come uncliped, Pushed them back on and its recharging as well.

I am now feeling cool.  Nel.