We find using an extractor with a lint catcher and using the hose with a slightly modified metal link connector works great for agitation and removing the cruddy lumps. We've shaped the metal connector which would normally just join two lengths of hose, and ground it down a bit. We use the connector flat on the carpet and it's been ground so the bit that is on the carpet is shorter, which creates a sort of 'shroud' over the gum. We use this with a dry steamer and find extracting and agitation helps shift the gum fully, removes the residue without having a sticky messy towel and also removes the stinking steam vapour from the room, making the whole job a lot more pleasant. Obviously we apply a gum remover to all the gum then start with the dry steam and extraction. Another tip would be to use a good length of hose, otherwise the 'steam' is still steam when it hits the lint filter and just goes through into the vac with all the dissolved gum in it. A longer length of hoe usually sorts that, but cleaning the lint filter is a soak it overnight job.