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  • Posts: 105
Viscose mix sofa.
« on: April 07, 2013, 09:12:14 pm »
Hi all

I have been asked to clean one of these

42% viscose/30% polyester/16% modacrylic/12% cotton.

Has anyone cleaned one of these before and if so how easily did it clean, I havent seen it yet so I dont know the condition. I would usually go for M- Power and an air mover, any suggestions would be helpful.

I am the universe expressing itself as a carpet cleaner.

Max Campbell

  • Posts: 143
Re: Viscose mix sofa.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 10:16:18 pm »
Do a crush test. Wet your thumb and press as hard as you can somewhere unobtrusive, hold for 10, release - if your thumb mark can be brushed out with your fingers, carry on, if it can't, you'll be in for a F of a lot of grooming, or just walk away.


  • Posts: 105
Re: Viscose mix sofa.
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 10:42:33 pm »
Thanks Max

I have to admit I have never really got to grips with grooming pile after cleaning, I also seem to have to keep going back over the same bits. Sometimes it looks ok, other times I end up going round in circles.
I am the universe expressing itself as a carpet cleaner.