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  • Posts: 171
Mikey warner
« on: February 22, 2006, 04:41:35 pm »
mikey warner has disapeared, it seems he has left Lowestoft, leaving a trail of unpaid bills in his wake. 4 to members of this board.
i did hear rumours of Sheffield, so if anyone spots him give him my best and what ever you do dont do any work for him as you wont get paid. its a bit like a gremlin, dont work for him unless you get the money first and dont believe his tales of woe. no doubt the story will be we have ripped him off. he used similar lines on me. the man has a good line in Bull S**t
mind you if anyone does come across him let me know as i can then serve the legal papers on him. theres a large ribena in it for the lucky finder.

Re: Mikey warner
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 05:03:45 pm »

I sympathise with your problem, and remembering some of Mikey's posts, I had the feeling he was a bit of a 'wide boy'.

But a post like this isn't appropriate to this forum so I'm afraid I'll have to lock it!

I could delete it, but I'll lock it.

Just in case anyone does know his where-abouts, you should show your e-mail address in your profile so they can give you some info.

