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Re: chemdry
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2004, 09:59:14 am »
Hi Len

I would suspect that Lee felt that he wanted to remove his own post due to the comments that were subsequently made.

As a moderator I didn't remove his post...I personally didn't think there was any malice contained within it... it was just a comment.

Unfortunately the Company concerned felt otherwise but I, again personally, feel that Lee being, as he stated, an' ex Frachise employee' posted incorrectly but it was down to the Franchise organisation to make sure that he couldn't gain access to their site.  

From one who has put his 'very large foot in it' at various points in the past I can understand why Lee pulled his post (if in fact it was him)

Let's move on folks

Regards to all


  • Posts: 91
Re: chemdry
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2004, 11:03:30 am »
This thread has lost it's way a bit, and as Derek says, it's time to move on.
If anyone took the time to check my profile and read previous posts, they would find that I am a CD franchisee in Brisbane, Australia. My trading name is CD Supreme, as can be seen in my email address, also in the profile.
Does the UK have a Franchising Code of Conduct? We have one which has legal backing under the Trade Practices Act. Regarding the specific matter of a franchisee forming an independent forum, the franchisor cannot prevent that here as the code specifically states that " A franchisor can not stop franchisees from forming an association or otherwise getting together."
It may be worthwhile to check out a similar code in your neck of the woods.
I'm afraid we shall have to agree to disagree on anonymity. It's interesting that the anonymous poster "ChemDry" is jumped on for not providing his details, yet "Amberview" is encouraged to continue being anonymous. Double standard?
It should be remembered that this forum, and all the others on the 'net, are places where peers meet to discuss problems, compare work situations, and generally socialise. They are not chat rooms, where nicknames and anonymity abound. If someone is conversing with me in this forum, I treat it as a virtual face-to-face discussion, and if I am willing to introduce myself, common courtesy dictates the other party does the same. In meeting someone physically and proffering your hand and name, how would you react if the other person shuns your handshake and refuses to introduce himself?
To borrow someone else's tagline, "The above posting is my personal view only"  ::)

Jim Lynch
ChemDry Supreme


  • Posts: 501
Re: chemdry
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2004, 01:17:44 pm »
yes i removed my post myself i felt that after the post that "chem-dry" put on it was the only thing to do
what do you mean that i have "put a very large foot in it" please derek
ps i agree with derek's comment "it is time to move on"


Re: chemdry
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2004, 01:54:35 pm »
Hi Lee

My comment about the 'very large foot' related to my own feet which have, in the past, inadvertantly been inserted fairly and squarely in my mouth.  In other words..I have dropped a clanger :-[

To err is they say...that's my excuse

Onward and upward lads and lasses



Re: chemdry New
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2004, 04:18:14 pm »
Hi Jim,

Yes, I think we will have to agree to disagree on the question of anonymity.

However, in retrospect I think that perhaps I owe you an aplology for my "over prickly" reply, which is I am fully aware, directly related to my own sensitivity relating to the issues I have with my franchisor.

I think I too have oversized feet !

Kind Regards


No tagline on this one