One fact about business is adapt or die.We are part of an ever changing ,market place and if one does not adapt to these change by moving forward in ever aspect your business will certainly die. All of those who are growing are adapting possibly with out realizing it, as its an integral part of what the do or run there businesses.Which shows they have a fell for business.
So often when I read between the lines of what is said on this forum then it does not take any genius to see were there might be problems.
Don't under estimate the success of what you do when you are successful.It is not a bad thing, but one is inclined to think most are level with you.Just pay heed to some of the ridiculous answers one reads on this forum at time and you will see why so many fell times are hard.
I have from time to time made statements of gold only to be knocked down by someone that could not see the forest for the trees. I am not aiming this an anyone so don`t get excited.e.g Allowing your customer for decide or dictate something which clearly falls is the domain of a business owner.
The best part of this industry is lost to these types of mistakes and most time these poor decision are made repeatable time and again.One needs to be wide awake in today's Market.I make no apology for the hardness of these statements as business is a hard game to be in at these time and the good day as we have known in the past have gone for good.
Look at Woolworths did not adopt, Hmv gone.Bensons Jesops all did not read the market change.
and were are they now, don`t think we are immune we are all business just less formal and a lot smaller with the same pain. I don`t intend this to be a negative thread, but a wake up call, and this includes me as well.