Ive had buiging disc at levels c5 , c6 and c7 which became prolapsed , the c5 level was pressing onto the nerve and was giving me a lot of pain down my left arm my left hand was constant pins and needles and numb , this had a bad effect on doing work of any kind .
I had a operation done this has helped slightly , theres not a day gos by without suffering from any pain this could be slight pain to severe pain .
While the disc was bulging i just used to carry on as normal it was when they become prolapsed that things changed , i was on loads of diffrent tablets which helped a bit BUT made me feel crap in otherways .
just take it steady because if it ends up prolapsed you will wonder whats happening , when mine became prolapsed all the symptons are just like having a heart attack , i started with bulging disc in 2000 it was around 2005 when they became prolapsed had the operation in 2008 still make regular visits to the hospital , had further mri e-rays done in june this year to find i now have further problems at c2 and c3 levels .
You take it steady mate as it will only get worse .