Hi all, hope all is well, right as some of you know, a few months back I bought a used extracta exel twin vac machine, much to my delight I got home and both vacs blew my electrics, so after changing the vacs all seemed well, untill today.
At a customers house, last job of the day. While cleaning a very large front room, I noticed a puddle of water under the machine, I quickly switched it of, mopped up water and gave it a quick check over. Couldn't find anything. So switched the vacs on and BANG it blows the electrics. Got machine home, got It in pieces and can't find the problem, no cracks/leaks anywhere, I've filled machine up with water and still no leaks. Where could this water have come from? Trouble is this Is my only machine and got loads of jobs to do this week and running up to Xmas