Interesting analogy
Would be nice as it would solve a lot of residential and domestic issues,
my view for what’s its worth would encourage householder’s too only employ profesional window cleaners
Can that logic be applied to a householder contracting a window cleaner, lets say HSE turn up or he/she falls and an investigation is carried out.
To answer
Home occupiers – the home occupier has no responsibility for workplace safety. They have a tort, civil duty “duty of care”; this is dealt within civil law and courts.
If the window cleaner is employed by a company The HSE would investigate / prosecute the company, the individual window cleaner would also be responsible for his actions.
Window Cleaners, sole traders etc have a legal duty to themselves and others and the HSE could issue an improvement notice or prohibition notice and have works stopped, all actions at the window cleaners.
In the event of injury or fatality
As above,
Sole trader, company found guilty, if the window cleaner is injured on a residential house the homeowner is open to civil action from the window cleaner or family in the event of loss.
Hope this helps