Hi,I would strongly advise against using a canvasser,and just get out there yourself,unless you know the background of the guy,I recently used one,I had £5k to spend and I told them this,thinking it would be an insentive,started out ok,but then quickly fell apart,main reason was the canvassers guys were pants (to put it politly),now I cant get hold of him,also the 2 clean aggreement is not worth the paper it's written on,some cancel when you turn up for the first clean,also a lot drop off after the 2nd clean, so alot of messers,I had around £500 of new canvassed work, costing me £1000, now left with around £300, bottom line is though I'm around £400 out of pocket,although flipping it this will generate an income of £3900 over the year,personaly I would not go there again,I am gonna stick to my original plan and buy an esablished round or canvas myself.