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  • Posts: 27
RO flushing help pls
« on: July 18, 2012, 05:12:06 pm »
hello all .
can anyone help me pls
when i turn the flushing valve on my ro it makes no difference to the water flow that goes into my tank so i dont think its flushing , i have taken the valve off to check it and it seems to work ok going up and down as i turn it so think thats ok. contacted pure freedom who said ro might be knackered and to test the water before it goes to resin but ro is only a year old and is taking 372 ppm tap water down to 23 ppm so i think thats about right.
anyone got any ideas on what i could to sort this out ?

cheers for any help

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: ro flushing help pls
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2012, 08:46:19 pm »
hello all .
can anyone help me pls
when i turn the flushing valve on my ro it makes no difference to the water flow that goes into my tank so i dont think its flushing , i have taken the valve off to check it and it seems to work ok going up and down as i turn it so think thats ok. contacted pure freedom who said ro might be knackered and to test the water before it goes to resin but ro is only a year old and is taking 372 ppm tap water down to 23 ppm so i think thats about right.
anyone got any ideas on what i could to sort this out ?

cheers for any help

Hi Ecole,  I've just had to sort out one of our systems today.  I noticed that there didn't seem, to be a lot of difference in the product flow whether the flush valve was in 'product' or 'flush' position.  I took the waste pipe out of the valve and tried turning the lever while the RO was running.  The difference in waste water was amazing :o

In 'flush' mode the stream of water from the outlet side of the valve was a powerful jet.  In 'product' mode it was a gentle flow.

I guess the resistance created by closing the valve reduces the waste flow but doesn't significantly increase the product flow, the whole system just slows down.

Provided you are producing pure water at a reasonable rate, I think you don't have anything to worry about.


  • Posts: 27
Re: RO flushing help pls
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 09:34:59 pm »
cheers for advice ,it seems to be doing its job alright so wont lose to much sleep.was just worried that me ro wasnt getting flushed.thanks for your help