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Quoting for a castle
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:14:56 pm »
Taking shelter from the rain today in an English heritage shop near me and they have asked me to quote for all the castle windows. Got the direct line of their maintainence man. 

Said they got some glass over 2 hundred years old, something about 'copper glass'?  Is pure water okay on really old glass?

H S and Son

Re: Quoting for a castle
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 11:19:15 pm »
Never had a problem with any of the old glass I do WFP. But English Heritage will probably insist you do your 1st floor work off a ladder as their insurers won't cover them for accidental breakage if glass cleaned with a pole.

I priced an old country manor for them a couple of years back despite ladder work doubling the price they insisted.

Re: Quoting for a castle
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 11:31:28 pm »
Obviously I'll be very very careful. But would it not be my insurance if anything went wrong?

H S and Son

Re: Quoting for a castle
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 11:34:00 pm »
The glass is old, they want it to remain that way I guess. Keep the original features  There was no telling them when I was pricing this place up, even if IMO hand cleaning exerts more pressure than a softwEFP brush.

You might get lucky ask and see what they say.

Re: Quoting for a castle
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 11:49:35 pm »
Oh, I certainly want to avoid damaging anything. Is wfp the absolute best method even for ground level then?  I said I need a proper walk around with a member of staff before I even consider the viability.

Really want this one too, a real feather in my cap. Would love to have me newly acquired vehicle parked in their car park as well. Everyone will see it as its on the main road.

I've just acquired my new window cleaning cum grandkidmobile cum wheelchair accessible vehicle for my community support sideline. It's a a cracking vehicle btw.


  • Posts: 8430
Re: Quoting for a castle
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 08:14:05 am »
Oh, I certainly want to avoid damaging anything. Is wfp the absolute best method even for ground level then?  I said I need a proper walk around with a member of staff before I even consider the viability.

Really want this one too, a real feather in my cap. Would love to have me newly acquired vehicle parked in their car park as well. Everyone will see it as its on the main road.

I've just acquired my new window cleaning cum grandkidmobile cum wheelchair accessible vehicle for my community support sideline. It's a a cracking vehicle btw.

My advice is not to let your imagination cloud your judgement.

Old glass is very thin and fragile and breaks easily. You maybe able to control the pressure of the brush on the lower windows, but the high ones can become an issue, especially if you have to stand at the greater angle (further from the building.)
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