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I'm trying to find leads to work, and have sent letters to estate agents, potential customers who enquired up to 3 mths ago, and i was thinking about guest houses, and holiday apartments, can anyone advise me on how to go about this?


  • Posts: 187

Use the same approach as you have used with estate agents etc.

However I would not get your hopes up too much. There are literally hundred if not thousands of these type of establishments on our doorstep but they generate very little work for us.

My take on the situation is that most of these are soler trader type small businesses so every penny that they spend on external services such as cleaning is so much less to put in to their back pocket. If they have a cleaner it is more likely to be an individual working for and receiving "pin money".

Then when you move up to the bigger establishments such as hotels they tend to have their own housekeeping team to look after things.

Don't want to sound too pessemistic but I'm fed up with people thinking that we are sitting on a goldmine and earning a fortune.



back to the drawing board then for me. Looks like i'm going to be out and about delivering more leaflets.

I looked in yell pages last night, i have got a lineage ad in there that i ddn't know about. Its surrounded by large ads by other companies though  :-[