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cleaning co

how about this then !
« on: January 10, 2006, 11:45:56 pm »
 hi,lady phoned me last week and said she had two bed town house she rents out and needed the h/s/l and l/r cleaned as the tennets had moved out and new ones were shortly moving in  so i say ok i do the h/s/l  l/r  for £80 but it has to be cash (i allways ask for cash on rentals or move outs as me fingers hav been burnt before ) so she agrees and i hav to pick keys up from letting agents and lady or agent  has left cash in kitchen of house,so i get keys let meself in av a look and they are as per norm trashed with paint etc all over them  so i clean the carpets agreed  but look in the bedrooms and they are also trashed so thinking she hasnt seen them and the letting agent has prob told her just about the h/s/l and living room i take the keys back and leave her an invoice with note on it about the b/r carpets , got phone call about 7pm tonight and this lady is going bonkers !! saying i took £80 of her and havnt done the bedrooms  and i am a firm that should be on rouge traders !!  anycase in the end i giv up trying to talk to her as i might as well been talikg to a brick wall !!  now her last words was she worked for a newspaper and her old man was a lawyer and they are going to put an add in a paper asking people to comforward who hav used my firm and been ripped off !!! ::)  lmfco !!!

Jason Hedges

  • Posts: 1035
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 12:59:55 am »

If you think she's serious I'd offer to do the bedrooms at a discounted price (not really but tell her that). If she still won't budge offer to do them as an act of good will to save any negative publicity. There was a successful reputable builder from around her a few years ago went through the same thing in the local press and it sent him under! beware, some people never forget and love to spread the word even if they know nothing about the case!!!

I've done end of tenancy cleans before where I've been told to do certain rooms and noticed others are just as bad. I call either the landlord if possible or the letting agent while I'm there and explain the situation and most of the time they'll say clean the other rooms and put it on the bill as most of the time its coming out of the previous tennants deposit anyway!

Best of luck with your situation.

Kind regards,



  • Posts: 802
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 06:29:08 am »
cleaning company sorry to hear about the bad events. lesson for us all here. signed surveys!!! and estimate forms !!!!  especially with landlords!!

name peter reed

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2006, 07:23:26 am »
Cleaning co,

In my experience generally,  people that threaten rarely carry out those threats so I wouldn't worry about it.

The price you quoted is very reasonable for that area and any attempt at defaming your company would allow you to sue for damages , contact the press complaints commission, law society etc.

It won't happen , move onto your next job.



Gavin Reardon

  • Posts: 464
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 08:21:33 am »
Hi Cleaning Co

Doug is spot on there!

It sounds like to me that she has worked herself up :-\ so much cos of way the tennents have left the place!  :o that she does not know what she said to you when booking a job  ??? As long as you did what you priced for then don't worry!!

Regards Gavin

Gavin Reardon IICRC / NCCA

*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 10:26:14 am »
Get everything written down, its the only way.


Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care

  • Posts: 489
Re: how about this then !
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2006, 01:27:30 am »
Flip side of that is - nothing written down in advance = not your problem!  ;D
You did as you were asked. End of job. Dont worry about it.
Experience does not qualify as Knowledge and Understanding.
Understand how and why and you'll produce great results.

IICRC, Woolsafe, Fenice & LTT trained.
Member of Eco Carpet Care, NCCA & Woolsafe.