Thanks for your reply, but i'm bewildered as to why my pm's to the administrator keep going un-answered.
I am aware of the implications of the current festivities but this has been going on for the last two or three weeks.
I was eventually informed that my query would be dealt with over a telephone conference on Wednesday the 21st, since which i have received zero communication. I am also aware of the fact that the administrator has been on-line several times since then.
All i am asking for is a telephone number to contact him directly and in real time, is this such a big problem ?
If certain people do not want my involvement in the PWCA then stand up like men and tell me, i won't bite ! :
But i'm loosing patience and wondering if my efforts would be better spent in another direction.
Surely this is not the attitude that the PWCA wish to portray before it even launches ?!