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First time canvassing....
« on: January 14, 2012, 03:46:18 pm »
Was my first time canvassing this week....
A few days back I posted leaflets on the street of my first customer and got a call so quoted that house and have that clean to do next weekend, good start  :)
Today was my first proper day posting leaflets and knocked the occasional doors but feel as though I have let myself down and not prepared myself as the only houses which I had a response from needs a WFP to get to certain windows. So I gave a price and just told the customer I will be getting a WFP in a few weeks and that I will call back when I do have the equipment to get to the windows. Was that the right thing to do?
Anyway, I was out there for 3 hours today; I was hoping for more tbh I wanted at least one new customer today (and cleaned) but I suppose it will come in time! I think I would be more confident to knock more doors if I had a WFP...


  • Posts: 6180
Re: First time canvassing....
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 04:10:36 pm »
Just knock every door, ask politely if they have a window cleaner , as you are working in the area, if they say yes.....say ," thanks for your time, could i leave you a leaflet should you ever need me"?

If they ask for a quote , give them one, why would you feel uneasy without wfp?

Dont mention the system you use at all until they mention an awkward window, also they may say "you can leave that one as it is hard to get to"

Say ok, and when you get your wfp they will love you for cleaning that one.

If you have a problem with knocking houses with hard to reach windows , leave them until you have your gear.

be selective in that case , that will make you feel more confident on the door .