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wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:38:05 am »
Cleaned a wool axminster before Xmas and got a call back a day later saying the carpet had "lifted" in the middle.

I asked the customer if he meant it had rippled and he said yes.

I told him that it should go within 48 hours,and rang him back 2 days later.He said the problem was still present.He said he was going away for a week and could I go to view when he got back.

I went round yesterday and at first couldnt see anything wrong - but on closer viewing there appearred to be what can best be described as a pocket of air under a small patch of the carpet and it is maybe half an inch raised.I wouldnt describe it as a ripple.

Can anyone point out what this can be and how it could have happened?

I dont think its a delamination problem as its a woven carpet.

I do know that they started moving stuff back onto the carpet before I had even left the property,could moving sofas about whilst the carpet was wet have caused the problem?

I'm pressuming that this can be rectified with a carpet fitter.

The Carpet Cleaning Pro

  • Posts: 753
Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2012, 10:43:48 am »
As the carpet drys it will relax however if heavy furniture has been relaced it will stop the carpet from relaxing to the edges, so in effect the carpet pushes against the heavy furniture thus creating the carpet to lift. (This is what I think may have happened) Personally I would advise the customer to remove all furniture and then see it the carpet will go back. If not just get a carpet fitter to come and even the carpet out. It is worth wile you perhaps buying a carpet stretcher yourself. I have had one for years and find it a very usefull tool to just refit the carpet where needed and in such cases like this.


Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2012, 04:38:24 pm »
Wayne, is the problem where a leg of a heavy sofa normally goes?  It could be that the backing has been stretched by the sofa leg, exacerbated by the repeated action of sitting down on it which shuffles the furniture leg and makes the problem worse

Sometimes these sorts of problems are there to begin with but can be noticed after cleaning

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2012, 04:44:10 pm »
It could be Jim,when I went round they had moved a heavy armchair  so I could see the problem.

peter maybury

  • Posts: 916
Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2012, 10:15:34 pm »
If it is a strech mark on an isolated area of the carpet it is not something that restreching the carpet will neccesarily remove. You can make it less obvious by uplifting the carpet and spraying adhesive onto the underlay in that area. You do however need to be carefull not to admit any liability as if it is for any of the above reasons it is not your wrong doing.

tony bish

  • Posts: 165
Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2012, 08:23:07 pm »
Yes total agreement with Peter ,I restretch carpets all the time, and if it was in need of restretching it would probably not bubble in one place ,you could stretch and stretch and it would not necessarily come out because this particular area has been stretched by something ie a fault or spill or like others have said something put on it .By lifting the carpet and looking at sub floor and underlay etc you would get a better idea as it could be a number of things ,but a can of spray glue can be a life saver sometimes in these situations .Best of luck   


  • Posts: 485
Re: Looks like a pocket of air under carpet??
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2012, 08:34:16 pm »
Had one this week,ripple in middle,it was at the end of the bed and in between where chests of drawers were sitting for years ,i decided that this area would of been the main traffic area and that the carpet would of worn and become weak, its nearly gone as it as dried but still needs attention