I run a domestic clean bus in Buckinghamshire and recently "bought out" a small one-man-band type business (est. two years) locally (approx turnover £20,000). However, being that most domestic clean businesses contract their clients on the basis of no fixed tenure contracts, I was unwilling to offer much in the way of a lump sum, for the precise reasons that CMS lays down. Any business investment is, of course, a risk, but I have to say that it doesnt get much riskier than this! I was simply not prepared to pay a large lump sum for a customer base that could dwindle within months or even weeks (and, as I did not know the person I was "buying" from personally, how could I not be sure that they - or an accomplice - would not resort to dirty tricks and once the cash was pocketed, then attempt to re-gain the clients). I dont want to paint a black picture, but anyone buying or selling any business should be well aware ogf the potential risks and pitfalls. I would advise any parties involved in a buy-out to have any agreement drawn up by a solicitor - could save many tears. But back to the point, when I bought this operator out, I offered a lump sum equal to 2 weeks total turnover, and then a commission based royalty of 10% on earnings from the acquired clients (and any others passed on to me by the operator selling in the future) over a two year period. To my surprise he accepted the offer, as he had no serious lump sum buy-out offers, due to the nature of the contracts. This resulted in both the seller gaining the worth of the business - albeit over a longer period - and me acquiring some new contracts without any high risk financially. In my mind, the only kind of domestic celaning business worth buying on a lump sum basis would be a long establihed, amply staffed organisation, witha proven trading history. The domestic sector is just too "up and down" for anyone to seriously consider buying out a one-man-band with a short trading history. No reflection on the operator, but a reality of the chosen industry.
Just my two penneth...