i use WFP from start, on maintenence cleans i use the fan jets, but for really dirty first cleans i may use the pecil jets.
(my brodex sill brush has moulded pencil jets but i have doctered it to also house fan jets, so switching is easy)
if the frames are bogging on the first clean;
I will wipe over the downstairs frames and corners/edges of glass will a sill cloth.
I also give them 2 cleans; clean all window first concetrating more on the frames.
On the second clean i clean glass only. reason being is that i feel that if there was any dirt left in a nook and crany or above the frame i dont want to disturb this, as it can cause run marks .
but the second clean on the glass is important as any dirt that has run off the frames as they dried will be cleaned off.