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jim mca

  • Posts: 827
January sales
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:01:00 pm »
Hoping for some good sales in the new year as its time for a new machine got three in mind the Jag storm and power flite perfect heat I use all three suppliers and rate the three so the only issues are whats the best and why please help as I cant make up my mind.


  • Posts: 115
Re: January sales
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2011, 10:20:15 pm »
Hi Jim,
I have both the powerflite perfect heat & the jag!
Both are fantastic machines fact! Jag has better suction than powerflite and has massive pump but in fairness mine has never gone above 300psi. Powerflite also has huge pump so much of the same. Jag has autofill and auto empty, both of which I personally don't use because I get my water from tap HOT. That's the beauty of the Powrflite savage hot water all the time, cannot be beaten on heat fact!
Love both machines and whatever you decide you can't go wrong.
Don't know much about storm havent checked the spec, prob great machine too.
Price could be big factor. Both suppliers very good too.

Go on da Leeds