Up or down? an interesting dilema.
When out cleaning domestic windows an old favourite of mine is to avoid the problem of starting at the back side or front of the house by adoping the following work ethos. Upon arrival place the ladders against the front of the building, give the customer a little knock to check that they're in. When they come to the door ask the following questions in a cheeky cap in hand manner.
"ello guvner, any chance of some water, only her next door does'nt want to know". upon receipt of the water respectfully state "looks like rain again guvner, i don't fancy goin up them ladders if it does" when you have gained their empathy thank them respectfully and proceed as if you are about to embark on a thoroughly retchid task thus turning empathy into sympathy.
When you are sure that the customer is not watching, proceed to a local eatery , where you can pass the alloted cleaning time in warmth and comfort whilst at the same time enjoying a hearty breakfast.
After this return to the house, pack up your ladders and bid farewell to the client in the following manner " all done now guvner, we could'nt get to the upstairs in the box room because of the pot plants, but we'll make good any missed next month". Ensure that payment is made in full (cash of course) and then bid them gooday.
Hope this is useful