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Paul Millward

  • Posts: 26
A bit of a moan or cry for help??
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:03:50 pm »
Can any1 help me with this business plan i have to do? Let me explain  I am currently unemployed and have some tools and kit to go self employed (which is why I am doing this scheme...Currently I am on a government funded scheme in association with the east Lancs Chambers of commerce to get me self employed. I am stuck with a sales forecast......
it states

 "for a complete breakdown of my anticipaeted monthly sales income please refer to the cash flow forecast"  

it then reads "Explain why the sales forecast looks as it does, including for example any seasonality.  Explain charging.  I had an accident in which I invested to try to improve my career.  Any help appreciated  :)
(sorry if I bored any1 to death)


  • Posts: 3427
Re: A bit of a moan or cry for help??
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 11:16:33 pm »
You need to make 12 columns, one for each month, then put how much you expect to earn from each aspect of your business (domestic carpet cleans, domestic upholstery cleans, commercial cleans etc etc) If you put it that you will be busier in the Winter, you need to explain why you think this is. You should also breakdown all your expenses under these - fuel, insurance, chemicals, equipment, repairs etc. The difference between the two is your anticipated profit, if you're really honest with yourself, you'll get an idea how viable your business is.
You'll also probably find that you don't expect to earn back all of your initial investment in the first year, this is a common thing with a new start up so dont let it put you off (unless you're local to me, in which case - GIVE UP NOW!  :P )

Hope this helps and makes sense...

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Paul Millward

  • Posts: 26
Re: A bit of a moan or cry for help??
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 11:30:14 pm »
 ;D Cheers Ash!  and thanks for the advice  :)  Where abouts are you?  I am near Rochdale GTR Manchester.  As for giving up...I was going to sell everything as things were quiet, but things are picking up slowly  :)