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  • Posts: 576
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2005, 07:08:54 pm »
oops I replaced a post instead of adding! ill put the other one back later.

Um what exactly do you mean by pram, do you actually mean pram or some other receptacle  should we investigate the true meaning of this, is it a code word for something else.

Touch my toys and Ill kill you!!!   ;D

Someone post something more interesting please even Im bored with it now!!!  ::)
Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2005, 07:35:48 pm »
Reading back, I now realise that there is issues with you regarding both reality and perception which I haven't considered.  i.e.

"Firstly, don't bother wasting your money advertising. In 24 years I have never won a contract through advertising"

and your reply to FOX (your version)

What I object to is someone being critical of what I have to say (or anyone else for that matter) when they clearly haven't read it properly.

Your last post is a typical example in which you say "You tell people not to advertise". I can't remember ever telling people not to advertise. They can spend their money on what they like.

I remember it more like this...........

A newbie comes on here and asks advice in the form of "Does advertising work for Commercial Cleaning?" I, as someone who has been in the industry for many, many years (along with others on here, I know) pointed out that I had never won a contract through a Client replying to an advert.

Well I have read that a dozen times and no matter how hard I try I cant get those words to re-arrange themselves to look any different.

If you have the time to trawl back looking for grammatical comparisons you must have way too much time on your hands.

I guess that most of us are too busy running businesses or setting them up.

Get a life, DP.

You can't possibly be half as bored with this as I am (and I suspect others too).


  • Posts: 315
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2005, 08:31:31 pm »
no keep it up this is better than emmerdale



  • Posts: 576
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2005, 09:33:08 pm »
That wasn’t a grammatical comparison, that was demonstrating an outright distortion which was and is the whole point to the entire issue and well you know it, and trying to find a way to detach yourself from this difference of opinion by blaming others in your wake is a poxy way to do it.

Reading back through the very thread we are posting on is hardly trawling back anywhere and really didn’t take anytime at all.

I have a great life and a very active and functional business thanks and enough common sense not to give bad advice based on some misguided concept that my world is the only world.

I  wish you well CMS especially in you new venture its a hard struggle whatever your experience and (I mean this politely) stick to what you know and learn  from what you don’t, I do and after 26 years of being responsible for cleaning one thing or another I still enjoy the learning bit the most.

After all none of us can say we have made it otherwise we wouldn’t be on here would we?

I knew there would be 1 theres always 1  ;)

Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2005, 10:57:58 pm »

I think you've got a bloody cheek, whoever you are!

Who the hell are you to say what I do and don't know? You know nothing at all about me apart from my name, address and telephone number.

I stumbled across this forum by accident some months ago and quite quickly spotted newbies making some of the mistakes I made myself in the early days. When they have asked for advice I have taken the time out of my busy day to give it, freely and with the best of intentions.

And I've done it openly, not by hiding behind a couple of 'initials'.

I have NEVER made a personal attack on any member of this forum nor will I start doing so (not even with you).

So cut out the insults or at least have the guts to pass comment as 'openly' as I have.

And as for having a 'great life and a very active and functional business' you only have to look at your 'statistics' to see how full your life is.

In my opinion if you are online at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning your life can't be THAT full.


  • Posts: 332
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2005, 09:16:19 am »
Ding, Ding, Round 8!!!!!!!!!
Who Dares Wins


  • Posts: 576
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2005, 10:58:31 pm »
Lol round 9 coming up, this could be the longest thread ever at this rate!

You would be stunned about what I already know about you, and you just keep telling me more with every post.

I have no recollection of telling you what you know and don’t know. I just gave you some advice which you can take or leave ( and which I will now selectively remember to distort later),  Isn’t that how it works, I did say I love the learning bit.

For someone who has "never made a personal attack on this forum", you haven’t done bad so far. I on the other hand,  have no recollection...........

I am glad to see you found the time to trawl back through my posts. How far back did you go, we have been trying to think, it must be 12-18 months at least since we were doing that, if there is another time then I don’t remember but  it was great.

I am disappointed that all you got was my bed time, if you go back a little further you should find some really wacky stuff. There was a few of us being naughty around that time, it could be good, you get to do something else and I get to reminisce  :)

I can assure you that we do have a very active business, and by we I mean my business partner and I. Thinking about it, you know the person and have spoken to them on here on a number of occasions    its ....

Well Ged said it was better then Emmerdale and we do have the ratings to think about.  ;) 

Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2005, 07:53:09 am »
I am glad to see you found the time to trawl back through my posts. How far back did you go, we have been trying to think, it must be 12-18 months at least since we were doing that, if there is another time then I don’t remember but  it was great.

I am disappointed that all you got was my bed time, if you go back a little further you should find some really wacky stuff. There was a few of us being naughty around that time, it could be good, you get to do something else and I get to reminisce  :)

Oh really!

You don't honestly think that I bothered to look back at your posts to see what time you posted them do you? I have far better things to do with my life.

In case you're interested (and for anyone else who wants to know), look at your own profile then scroll down to the bottom. It says something about 'show general statistics for this member'.

Two mouse clicks I think it was...................

Hardly taxing was it?

Grow up DP. A sensible forum like this should be reasonably 'troll' free. Lets hope it stays that way.

Say what you like now, I won't respond any further. I think most members have you sussed now anyway.


  • Posts: 332
Re: Do websites work for us?
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2005, 12:54:51 pm »
Oh it looks like its all over, !!!!!!!!!!!

CMS has trown in the towel after some fantastic blows that left DP realing, But it looks like DP 'S counter attacks has seen in home with a comfortable win in round 9.

I am sure we all agree it ranks as one of the best, and I am sure all of us will be looking out for the next match.

Watch this space for the rumble in the jungle or is it "Who is the Lord of the Board"

See you later fight fans. next weeks match is all about nowt again as TP takes on Fancy curtains. keep watching and happy cleaning.

Who Dares Wins