Lol round 9 coming up, this could be the longest thread ever at this rate!
You would be stunned about what I already know about you, and you just keep telling me more with every post.
I have no recollection of telling you what you know and don’t know. I just gave you some advice which you can take or leave (
and which I will now selectively remember to distort later), Isn’t that how it works, I did say I love the learning bit.
For someone who has "never made a personal attack on this forum", you haven’t done bad so far. I on the other hand, have no recollection...........
I am glad to see you found the time to trawl back through my posts. How far back did you go, we have been trying to think, it must be 12-18 months at least since we were doing that, if there is another time then I don’t remember but it was great.
I am disappointed that all you got was my bed time, if you go back a little further you should find some really wacky stuff. There was a few of us being
naughty around that time, it could be good, you get to do something else and I get to reminisce
I can assure you that we do have a very active business, and by we I mean my business partner and I. Thinking about it, you know the person and have spoken to them on here on a number of occasions its ....
Well Ged said it was better then Emmerdale and we do have the ratings to think about.