The only problematic bit is removing the Perfect heat coils.
These are usually bag tied on, so get some long ones ready to go
back on.
1) Cut the ties, and undo the quick disconnect fittings. Remove the coils
still connected together.
2) Unscrew the 2 pipes connected to each vac motor exhaust.
3) Disconnect the wires to each vac motor, tape each set together so as
not to mix them up.
4) remove either or both vac motors, 2 or 3 10mm/3/8" nuts depending on machines
5) Fit new vac motor gasket, and replace each motor in reverse procedure. Do not
over tighten them, i.e dont squash the gasket into submission.
6) replace exhaust pipes and tighten.
7) Replace wires, polarity is not an issue as they are AC motors, so the only one that
has to go to the correct place is the earth.
Re-connect the coil fittings, and bag tie the coils in place.