The thing with flyers is that over the decades people have come to see them as the cheap and cheerful brigade all pitching for work at silly prices. That may not be true but they seem to expect you to list out your prices and if they are cheap enough they'll ring you. The trouble is with business as tight as it is and because your USP is PRICE and so is everyone else's, you feel compelled to list ever lower prices in an effort to get the most calls and compete with the competition.
The better option is to get some really good leaflets printed, without prices, but making a case for choosing you on the basis of quality and then go door-to-door with them. You don't have to be pushy, just 'Hi, I'm your local carpet cleaner, would you mind if I leave you a leaflet?' Give them the leaflet and turn to walk away, you'll be surprised how many people will ask you to quote. The advantage now is that you are quoting on your own terms, without the client having a ream of leaflets to chose from, and hey presto you end up with good quality work at YOUR price, not ones forced upon you by your competitors.