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employing part-timers
« on: October 17, 2005, 07:58:04 pm »
Hiya, Me again.
I have just registered as an employer, how exciting.  ;D
I currently only have 1 member of staff, but there are two of us in the biz partnership.
Spoke to lady at inland rev who said that i just need to keep a copy of p46 on file, don't send it to them until any changes arise, because my new employee will be earning less than £82 per week.
Does thismean all i got to do is keep a record and send out payslips and nothing else to fill in???
Is this what everone else does??? I thought i would have to at least register her as she will be on the payroll  ???


  • Posts: 824
Re: employing part-timers
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 06:50:29 am »
Hi Lisa

If poss always get a P45 from your employees this will give you alot more info than a P46 but if they haven't got a P45 then obviously a P46 will do.  It depends which statement they sign on what you do with it.  Statement A or B and under the tax threshold then as told, file it.  Otherwise you will need to put them on a BR tax code and send off the form.

At the end of year you will be required to send a P35 and P14's to the tax office and give your employees a P60.  These will contain all the tax and NI info for the year and it is these that the IR will use to determine tax codes for employees for the following year if they have paid too much or too little tax (you will only be notified of changes, not if it stays the same).

With payslips always print two copies, one for the employee and one for your file.



  • Posts: 387
Re: employing part-timers
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 09:17:42 am »
hi lisa123 ,its a good thing to keep a master file on your staff, their contract of employment ,start up forms, bank deails ,ID or disciplinary proceadures you have in place,any thing they have signed to say they recived ect. I know its not about tax, it s just a thought, good look boss ;D


Re: employing part-timers
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 08:40:24 pm »
Thanks for your advise.

I have given my new employee a copy of terms of contract which i editted from businesslink, and kept a copy (she has signed both)
Got a weekly rota sheet with hours and premises etc, and got copy of her wageslip as well as giving her one each week (wageslip!)

Don't need many details, already know them, but have written up a sheet with employee details, name address, next of kin, nino, phone number.
She's My sister :-) doing 2 hrs per week cos I can't get to it.

Is it really bad to pay cash? I know she has told jobcentre she is earning/working 2 measly hours cos i went with her and they know how much and when and all that. Seems a lot of bother for a few quid a week.

Oh and she has just given me a piccie for ID card. I think i'm all sorted. I hate paperwork, but somehow whatever Ido, I always seem to be the one who has to do it :-) nevermind.

At least I have until p60 time to file it all away  :)