Hi guys,
I know its probably been done a hundred times but can someone please explain the WFP technique on domestics (basically from the moment you put the pole towards the window).
I've been on WFP for a week, so I'm probably not qualified to instruct; but it's not rocket science and no-doubt someone will correct me.
First Clean with WFP:
1. Scrub all the frames on each window.
2. Go back and clean the glass (this will have given the frames enough time to stop dripping.
3. Rinse. I do this by both lightly stroking the glass in a light-downward motion. Then I remove the brush from the glass and 'wiggle' the water jets down the glass. If it's a window with a fan-light, I do that first, then rinse the windows next to it and finally the pane below it; just to give it a little bit of time to stop dripping.
Subsequent cleans with WFP.
1. A quick wash over the top of the frame and sides.
2. Wash glass.
3. Quick rinse.
Can anyone improve on my method?