As per the other chap...always charge a 1st clean price...
Consider a late payment fee, each request for a late payment now incurs a 5 euro fee after a warning letter/email/call...This warning is based upon the information given to them when we take them on in the form of T&C's. It's a choice for the customer...make the choice to pay late then pay for that service.
Be clear & consistant with customers's too easy to let things slide and end up with 'serial' late payers. Whilst it's nice to be nice..we run business's which are very simple...clean>>get paid>>clean again!
Messers...sift out the genuine messers but remember just because someone pays late, forgets to unlock a gate etc does not make them a messer automatically.
Cozy has a good rule...once you have decided to 'cull' a custy...go out and get 2 to replace them.