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PWCA official forum
« on: October 04, 2005, 09:00:14 pm »

Recently the PWCA approached Steve Lowe and asked him to consider becoming the Chairman of the PWCA. Steve Lowe was also asked to consider making CleaningPro’s the official forum of the PWCA. Steve Lowe has chosen not to accept either of the proposals for family reasons, Steve has said that the time has come for him to devote more time to his family and less time to industry matters, the PWCA committee respects Steve’s decision.

It is the policy of the PWCA to be open about its activities and the PWCA believes that an official forum will play an important role in communicating with fellow professionals in the window cleaning industry. The official PWCA forum will appear on the official PWCA website when it is launched. During the interim period it has been agreed that the PWC Magazine forum will become the official forum in the run up to the official launch.

The PWCA committee wishes to focus its time representing the professional element of the Window Cleaning industry and has a great deal of work to do prior to the launch. From this time the members of the PWCA committee will only answer questions about the PWCA posted on the official PWCA forum.

Professional Window Cleaning Association
“We invite Professionals to join us”

Robert Mclean
Publicity Officer
PWCA Steering Committee.

Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 09:28:18 pm »
Robert, I'm surprised no-one has posted yet.  All I can say is that it's a very 'dry' statement.

Just so my cards are on the table, I've applied to be the Treasurer for PWCA, but my application is in the process of being voted on.


Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 09:42:55 pm »

A very official statement.

Also very professionally written and edited to perfection but on the down side, it sort of lacks a human touch.

Still, at least we know and I think the PWCA can only be a good thing.



Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 09:45:42 pm »

Good evening

I hope that I will be able to meet you at the next meeting and I understand that how I post can be construed as you see it.

I am a no nonsense person and I like to get to the point, for all official posts that are linked to the PWCA, I feel that matter of fact and to the point will not leave anyone in any doubt.

There is a genuine person behind the posts, from down to earth window cleaning stock.

I am not some automated mouthpiece and I represent no one other than the interests of the window cleaning industry from a window cleaners perspective.

This will be through the PWCA as I see that this is the option to lead the industry into the 21st century.

Tosh I understand your initial apprehensions and those of everyone else, on both forums.

I would hope that there will be new networks created through the PWCA,  of like minded people who want to better the industry.

You seem to hold some sway with the cleanitup fraternity and your opinion could and probably does influence.

If you are interested in the post Good luck, we need people from cleanitup to take the baton and move with us.

This is not an official posting but I feel passionate about the industry that has favoured me and given me opportuntities that I would have never gotten in employment.

Rob ;D

Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 09:58:00 pm »
Hi Everyone

Tosh, I can vouch for Robert, he is a really nice person and although his posts on behalf of the PWCA are straight to the point, he really is a nice bloke and very passionate about the industry.

I took the time to speak to him at the meeting and he really does go that extra mile for his customers and by the sounds of it, all his customers are more than happy to have him clean their windows (down to the service he offers).

Also good luck on your application


Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 10:20:23 pm »
I understand your initial apprehensions and those of everyone else, on both forums.

I've no worries, Robert.  I to look forward to meeting you (so I can say sorry and shake your hand).  I'm just a little bit afraid that a post written in the third person does not do the PWCA any favours.

To Vison On:

Sorry, Philip Hanson (of PWC Magazine) did ask that no links be provided from this site to his.  He used to be a moderator here, so I request that his wishes are respected.

E-mail me and I'll send you the link.


Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 10:20:36 pm »
I've been having the same problem - finding the forum.

A link would be usefull.

I think I probably need to appologise as what I wrote now reads to me to be different to what I intended.

Sorry Robert.

When I wrote 'professionally written and edited' - I meant that as a genuine compliment and not as sarcasm.

I may be sad but I get off on really well written letters/debates/arguements etc where the person expresses themselves exactly - something I frequently don't do.

A publicity officer for a new venture such as the PWCA taking into account how it came into being, does (I think) need someone precise and exact.


Tosh - Good luck mate.


  • Posts: 1394
Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2005, 09:29:41 am »
Sorry guys, but to me this organisation is already starting to sound divise and dictatorial!

'the PWCA committee will only answer questions about the PWCA posted on the official PWCA forum'

If it wasn't for you publicising 'the meeting' on this and other forums the PWCA wouldn't exist! So you want to advertise it here, and no doubt recruit members from here when it is launched, but you won't answer peoples questions here?

Don't take it personally Robert but there seems to be a familiar pattern emerging here. It is also a shame that the key instigator of all this has removed himself from 'public life'. Is that purely coincidence?

I really don't want to be seen as 'anti PWCA' but I have a feeling you guys are going to alienate a lot of people before it's even launched. You need to think long and hard about how this all looks to the members you'll eventually need on your side.

In any case, I admire your commitment.


Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2005, 11:33:51 am »
Hi Everyone,

Mike, I understand what you are saying, however, you must let the PWCA form itself, and then it will be able to answer questions. This is why the PWCA will be holding public Forums/ meetings, so people can come along give input and receive answers.

If we where to jump from forum to forum answering everyone’s questions, the PWCA would not move along.

Out of the two Forums (this and cpros) I commend everyone on here for having open minds and not constantly placing negative posts about the formation of the PWCA.

If everyone can be patient and let the PWCA form itself, then I am sure, you will all be more than happy with the outcome. The PWCA has just been born and people are expecting it to run before it crawls and walks.

I look forward to meeting everyone at the next meeting and hopefully you to Mike.



  • Posts: 1394
Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2005, 01:47:35 pm »

I have edited your post. Philip and I agreed that Cleanitup would not be used to advertise his forum.

Surely it makes sense to make it as easy as possible for members to get involved in discussing these issues. At the moment, I can't see yet another forum being of any benefit to anyone unless there are other commercial issues to consider.

I'm all for moving the industry forward so long as it's transparent!



Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2005, 02:13:17 pm »
HI Mike

Sorry I was not aware that you and Philip had agreed that - sorry it will not happen again.


Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2005, 03:34:19 pm »
Sorry guys, but to me this organisation is already starting to sound divise and dictatorial!......

...You need to think long and hard about how this all looks to the members you'll eventually need on your side.

In any case, I admire your commitment.


I really agree with Mike on this.  As an applicant to PWCA and also an 'outsider', you do need to take a step back and consider how it looks to others such as myself.  I found Robert's statement well intentioned but extremely; ' like it or lump it' in tone.  Third person statements always sound cold.

I'm not saying PWCA should turn all 'soft and fluffy', but more a little more 'user friendly' wouldn't go amiss.  I think one of the reasons the Federation get's so much stick is that it's not - or isn't percieved to be - a user friendly organisation.

I/we understand it's all early days in the hopefully long and glorious history of PWCA and maybe not much can be sorted till you have your next meeting, but I would love to hear what the aims and ethos of the organisation will be.

It might also be interesting to see what the 'tick list' of jobs there is to be done.  Maybe some of us could even help?



Philip Hanson

  • Posts: 652
Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2005, 03:53:54 pm »
I owe a debt of gratitude to Mike and this forum, not only for bringing the window cleaning industry together in a way never before possible (and we should never underestimate the impact forums such as these have had on our industry), but also because he freely helped me in the early stages of the mag.

I enjoyed my time as a moderator here on CIU, and I saw some of the most amusing things (you'll never know unfortunately, because I removed em quick!)

But Mike is right, out of respect please don't link across to the mag's site anywhere.  I continue to have good professional relationship with Mike, and I'd hate for that to be jeopardised.  Soon the new association will have its very own site, and its up to Mike what he decides then.

As far as I know, this was the very first cleaning forum and is still the busiest, and I believe it (and now others) have helped progress immensely.  Well done to mike for his innovation, long may forums continue!

Editor, Professional Window Cleaner Magazine

"The irony of the information age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion"
John Lawton


  • Posts: 1643
Re: PWCA official forum
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2005, 04:20:37 pm »
 ;)Forums are very good I just hope it do not go silly and have them all over the place ???then its lost the plot total,how many good ones do we need ???