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  • Posts: 4261
showhome cleaning
« on: April 21, 2011, 09:23:28 pm »
iv got a possible chance of securing a deal with a well known homebuilder to carry out window cleaning and interior cleaning of there showhomes on 14 sites across north west

what price would people go in at for weekly interior clean on showhome and would you price in the travelling or just charge an hour for each as cleaning shouldnt take more than 30mins per clean
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


  • Posts: 4261
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2011, 04:32:45 pm »
cant believe no one can giv a rough guide off 20 views fort this was a cleaning forum ;D ;D ;D
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


  • Posts: 1945
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 02:26:04 pm »
hi there

30mins is a tight time, ive done these in the past,  most sites have either one or two plots set out as show homes, and then a double garage as the sales office.

you need to schedule more time.  weve just got 2 new sites, and on a very good price, once a week.




Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 03:03:54 pm »
Martin, can you remember that bloke that used to come on here years ago who specialised in new build cleaning, he even set up a course for other people to do the same. His name would be worth a search on here, he waffled a bit but seemed to know what he was talking about.


  • Posts: 4261
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 05:48:32 pm »
cheers martin do u have any exact specifications what jobs you should cover when cleaning weekly on showhome and office
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct

Denise l

  • Posts: 1915
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 08:20:34 pm »
Standard call out price £25 per showhome


  • Posts: 4261
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 08:49:02 pm »
thanks denise what would u cover for 25 is that just general cleaning of the interior of the house
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


  • Posts: 1945
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2011, 12:24:59 pm »
hi there,

Garyj, it may well have been me, but nobody wanted to pay for the info, unfortunately eveybody wants something for nothing, when in other industries people will pay handsomely for training. it may well be the perception that our industry is easy!! and requires untrained bods to scrub off the dirt.

whilst others appreciate that actually we provide a quality service and therefore the price should reflect it.

ive just got in with a national housebuilder, incidentally not one that i have dealt with years ago, and how things have changed for the better, so thats good.

Denise, is that £25.00 per unit, therefore if a site had two houses and a sales office total charge is £75 or are you charging £25 for the lot on one site.

We have a number of sites where we have got everything, the build cleans, site office and compound, and sales office and showhomes, and being paid on time as per the terms and conditions.  so quite happy at present.



Denise l

  • Posts: 1915
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 06:38:49 am »
I would charge £25 for 1 show home per week. This would be for general cleaning and maybe spot clean the windows if finger marked. they have a lot of traffic thru them especially week ends with kids in tow etc so vcan get quite dusty and dirty. You say it will take about 30 mins but if you do it properly it will take longer than that,at least over an hour. Then you have to build in your overheads etc, fuel now expensive. If there is more than 1 show home you could lower the price on the others by £5 as you are already on site. Themain show home houses the sales team as well. I,m just doing a quote for builders clean, snagging clean, sparkle clean and then the show home clean.


southern counties

  • Posts: 18
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2011, 05:43:49 pm »
I di a number of showhome cleans for a large well know house builder in the south. They never paid me and in the end said if i didn't have order numbers then they couldn't pay me.Ths was after maikng me fill out a large number of forms and and sign  various documents to  get added to their list of contractors.

Get the money as soon as your finished cleaning



  • Posts: 1945
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2011, 10:59:01 pm »
hi there

there does seem to be a great deal  more control now in the QS and accounts departments, to ensurre that payments are made in good time.

one of the biggest things is the relationship with the QS and the site managers, as developers are building slower than before, the sites seemed more controlled, and site instructions are monitored more closely.



Denise l

  • Posts: 1915
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2011, 07:06:48 am »
Ive never had any problem with payments. If you have been asked to quote. Put your quote in writing properly on headed paper and send to the QS, they are the ones that sign off the money. When the quote is accepted, either verbal or email, ask them for the official order number before commencement of work or their work instruction in writing. Get the job signed off by the Project manager on site and then submit your invoice. Simples.


Rick Ward

  • Posts: 169
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2011, 07:06:34 pm »
simples until you get burnt. I did a rake for a company who knew they were going under- lost a couple of thousand and could not see it coming. There are no guarantees in business but admittedly there are precautions. 14 sites could be a lot of work, but bigger companies tend to be slower payers in my experience.


  • Posts: 4777
Re: showhome cleaning
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2011, 09:42:07 pm »
I've got big firms that pay on the dot and some take forever - small firms can be either way as well. I don't think you can tell - just hope !