Hi Paul
Back in 2004 I had to have a tumour removed from inside my spine. Didn't know if I'd live, let alone know if I'd be able to walk again. Work-I wasn't really thinking about it.
Anyway, like your wife, "Nurse Carpet" took to answering the phones and explained to callers what was happening and that we weren't too sure when I would be able to return to work.
Whilst it is obvious you will lose some work (price shoppers, emergency cleans etc) many existing clients simply passed on their best wishes and left instructions for me to ring them when I was feeling able to come back to work.
This gave me such a boost! Not only did I know I would have plenty of work to return to in catching up on income but more particularly it proved (if that is the correct word in these circumstances) that many people value a certain tradesman/ethic over and above instant results at the cheapest possible rate.
It gave me such a boost of confidence that people were prepared to wait for me. I thought I must be doing something right.