A bit thick is best if you ask me,
When i used to work in a window cleaning company there was a lad who worked there for 9 years hes in his 40's now. A nice bloke looked a bit dirty here and there moans about everything and anything all the time probably P**d you off most days moaned about the boss etc etc!!
Didnt half work hard!! just a tad thick slightly he probably even knew he could earn his wage doing it himself but never has! he still working for him now on basic minum wage i imagine 14 years in total works the week goes home and thats it.
I employed 2 idiots in the past myself the last one "supposed" to be experianced had 2 kids of around 1 years old hardly done anything no ladder work or WFP jus ground windows trad bloody useless! i think interviews are rublish best bet is small interview along with few hours on the glass to see what there like