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Under The Radar Marketing
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:59:26 am »

I know many of you use newsletters for your customers but have you ever used them for prospects?

We all know how hard it is to get prospects to read our stuff be it on-line or a leaflet. Well I have been doing some experiments on line with content that has nothing to do with cleaning but has a link. Its taken some time to start to get response from readers but I am now starting to get questions and enquires that relate to cleaning.

I just sat down today and put together a A4 leaflet that folds into A5 booklet with the same idea the nice thing about this is how just like the old "consumers Guide" you can then link back to other media.

would you read a A5 booklet leaflet that say was about cars but had adverts for car repairs or say one about football that had adverts about kit?

Its no different to free newspapers they been in business for years doing this type of stuff.

What is your view guys


Ian Harper

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 11:12:42 am »
As I am off this week I am doing all the Marketing stuff I should have done years ago.

Think it could be a goer.

Until you try and suck you do not know what will work

Producing it will cost you little

Getting it out is where the time or cost is,


Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 02:34:24 pm »
I agree Ian,

It's a lot less "threatening" than a salesletter.

You can still do offers though, maybe with more effect.


Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 02:53:28 pm »
I have done one article in the first leaflet that links to some tile laying videos, which has a video from me on auto play that offers help and advise. it all links up nicely. and as the leaflets are going out local its works well I think


Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 11:40:32 pm »
A Fast Track idea but does it really work? You're basically creating a free newspaper and maybe even getting other companies to advertise as well. Seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Only a matter of time until it is updated to 'Advertise on the Radio'  and then telling you to start a radio station.


Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 06:39:26 am »

with respect why do you think soaps are called soaps? people want content if you can use your marketing money to get people attention and then sell. why do you think leaflets work? its because you bring your services in front of people we just need to get their attention.

As an example, you go to a business meeting you not going to start selling to everyone straight away are you. you small talk then when the time is right and the conversation is in a place where you could make an offer.

just look at people write articles with NO SALES content and the they are allowed to put a link to their site. and in most that's to a site with sale content.

BTW what i am doing is just 4 pages. but as i said leads them to other content on other media. I don't know about buying a radio station but sponsoring a show that's a target prospect might listen that's more like it.

people are so much more sale resistant these days with adverts everywhere. you have to approach them in a way that they are interested in


Ian Harper

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2010, 08:40:01 am »
What will attract their attention is articles about Celebs who live in Chelmsford etc or isn't there a new TV programme on Essex people.

I am watching White Van Man tonight


Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2010, 10:30:28 am »

got some great articles

"are babies a replacement for unreliable men"

this one is about anastacia that following Sandra bullock's idea of adopting a child when she has no man in her life.

got one about antioxidants increasing fertility, many people are leaving it late to have kids and this is a real issue.


Ian Harper

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Under The Radar Marketing
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2010, 04:58:55 pm »
Your right  the Essex Woman is into those subjects ;D ;D ;D