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  • Posts: 1093
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2010, 07:54:26 pm »
my tap water tds is 26 in my custies average around 25...with a tds that low i recommend DI only......however i would not suggest you DI only if your tap water tds is above 45...i need to replace my resin.....bought TWO years ago.....i also use the double DI swap round when the reading goes up.


  • Posts: 3503
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2010, 08:16:28 pm »
i cant see how 2 resin vessel can save me on resin, does anyone have real proof of this, the real idea of 2 di resin vessels, came about years ago, it was for folk with high tds readings, who mainly do commercial work, and this method was to fill up on site, saving them running back to refill, if they had a tds of say 400 or more, one vessel was not enough to bring that hardness down, so the 2 vessels where born, i think over the years the whole thing has been misinterpreted, 2 vessel will still give the same results as one vessel, i think it will still come to the same calculations when the resin is spent, prove me wrong, becouse i just dont believe it
Jouk mate it does work, think about it.
My tap TDS is 55, if I'm using a single vessel I have to bin the resin when it gets to 6ppm.
If I leave the resin in that vessel and connect to another, then the water going into the new one is 6ppm, not 55 ppm as it would be from the tap.
I am continuing to save on resin until the TDS from the first vessel is 55ppm same as the tap.
 If you don't check the TDS of that first vessel it will continue to rise, I have neglected this a couple of times and ended up with water of 90 TDS going into the second vessel when it would only have been 55 from the tap.
But it does work Jouk, believe me, you can save loads if your DI only..


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2010, 08:36:27 pm »
yes dai, i am di only, the way i see it is if you use 2 vessel, yes it will bring the tds down much quicker, but the end result wil be the same, when my resin hits 01 i just shake the vessel well and you get an extra week or so,


  • Posts: 3503
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2010, 08:54:10 pm »
yes dai, i am di only, the way i see it is if you use 2 vessel, yes it will bring the tds down much quicker, but the end result wil be the same, when my resin hits 01 i just shake the vessel well and you get an extra week or so,
The point is Jouk, the resin in the single vessel that produced 006 water would have been in the bin doing nothing, it's now taking my tap water from 55ppm down to 006, so my new vessel has only 006 to cope with instead of 55 from the tap, it's nothing to do with speed, I'm saving money until the old resin is producing water at 55ppm.


  • Posts: 4085
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2010, 09:39:47 pm »

I'm gobsmacked you can't understand the twin DI set up!

Your idea of how it came about is wrong though. It's just common sense.

Tulsion & dowex resin will remain at very low tds levels for longer than other brands hence why they are even more economical when used this way. I was sold a single DI system 6 years ago, soon got fed up of throwing good resin away & added a second very soon after.


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2010, 10:52:27 pm »
i have never used twin di vessels, i have always thought it as a false economy, i have a tds at the moment of 40ppm usualy around 30ppm a bag last me around 6 months or longer, and cheap as chips, it works out pennys for me,  the key is to run the di very slowly, i mean slow, if you use it at full tap water pressure, of course it will drain the resin fast, only fill the vessel to the shoulder, not filled to the top, which many have done, the bigger the vessel the longer your resin will last, not 2 of them linked,


  • Posts: 4085
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2010, 10:59:32 pm »
i have never used twin di vessels, i have always thought it as a false economy, i have a tds at the moment of 40ppm usualy around 30ppm a bag last me around 6 months or longer, and cheap as chips, it works out pennys for me,  the key is to run the di very slowly, i mean slow, if you use it at full tap water pressure, of course it will drain the resin fast, only fill the vessel to the shoulder, not filled to the top, which many have done, the bigger the vessel the longer your resin will last, not 2 of them linked,

No mate.

A bigger vessel will last longer ONLY because there is more resin in it.

Resin will last longer with 2 vessels because one is pre-filtering the other, like using an RO, though not as effective.

If you used your spent resin to pre-filter a new vessel you'd see how it works instead of throwing it away. ;)


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2010, 11:11:32 pm »
i would love to see an accurate reading over a 6 month period, one with single di vessel, the other twin, i still think it will be the same outcome thats if the record is accurate, sorry i am not being ignorant, no one has shown a real record as proof of this,  :P

vision tech

  • Posts: 235
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2010, 11:25:54 pm »
jouk45, you are not listening to people who know,
i have a 2 di system and it works fine with me,
my tds out of tap is 96 so i can wait until my second di is reading 001 and then change round the vessels and add new resin to the one with the max tds ,dont ask for facts ,listen to people who know.
I started out with nothing......I still have most of it.


  • Posts: 1093
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2010, 11:35:36 pm »
hi joe i just read your post.....i use the twin DI setup as follows:

1st one has a tds reading of 000.....i use that at my customers until the reading goes up to around 002 ( i have used it at 004 before) the new DI has new resin in......i filter the 002-4 water through the 000 and the 000 last a lot longer than filtering through 26 or whatever your tap water is......i know that the readings in the 1st one will creep up steadily but it will not go higher than the tap when DI number 2 starts to creep up thats when i swap them round (new resin of course)

hey, i should have got a job a mad house.....i aint got a clue wot i just said ;D


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2010, 11:56:11 pm »
so  your saying if i run 2 di vessels, my resin will last longer than 6 months using my single di vessel that i use  now,  :o


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2010, 11:57:43 pm »
scrimmy whats your tds


  • Posts: 3503
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2010, 09:15:37 am »
so  your saying if i run 2 di vessels, my resin will last longer than 6 months using my single di vessel that i use  now,  :o
Yes Jouk of course it will. when your tds starts going up and you have shaken the vessel a few times, the time will come to bin that resin.
If instead of binning it, you put it in front of another vessel it's still working for you until the TDS coming out of it is the same as your tap water.

You have to keep a check on the TDs coming from that first vessel because it's continually rising, AND IF LEFT, WILL CONTINUE RISING WAY PAST YOUR TAP TDS AND TO THE POINT WERE IT'S CONTAMINATING YOUR NEW VESSEL.


  • Posts: 1093
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #53 on: February 21, 2010, 09:55:00 am »
so  your saying if i run 2 di vessels, my resin will last longer than 6 months using my single di vessel that i use  now,  :o

i think i see wot the problem are thinking that its 2 vessels filled at the same time with new resin.

in that case they will last exactly the same time as 1 big vessel (give or take for volume of course)

my method is based on just using one vessel out on the jobs to begin with (my tds is 26 joe) then when the tds of THAT vessel goes up to around 2-4 then i attach another 4.6 litre vessel to the trolley and filter the customers tap water through vessel number 1 first THEN through vessel number 2.......the tds will continue to rise but it will take a good few weeks for it to rise to 26 tds.


Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #54 on: February 21, 2010, 10:09:12 am »
Hi Jouk

You want some facts to prove the 2 di tank system works.

The only facts I have are as follows.

Before I started using the 2 di tank setup, I would go though a bag of resin (Dolwex or Tulsion) evry 3 to 5 months.

I last purchased a bag of resin in the 1st week of October 2009 and I still have 1/2 of it left and my water is still showing 000.

Now the only things that have changed in this time is that my workload has gone up by at least 40%.

So at the moment I am cleaning 40% more work with resin thats is lasting over double the amount of time that it use to do.

Orange WC

Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2010, 10:18:15 am »
My calculations are not from using the Resin Usage Calculator but from my own readings.

It just shows that the Resin Calculator doesn't work. IE: 20,000 ltrs divided by 55ppm Tap water = 9090 ltrs of Pure, I am producing more than double that.

Each and everyday I take note of how much water has been used, how much is left and then how much I get from my 25kg of Tulison Resin.

Over a 4 week period I use anywhere in between 20,000 and 25,000 litres of Pure Water using only one 25ltr DI Vessel. Then my reading starts rising, I only ever go to around 010ppm before changing the resin.

I am not sure how much pressure or flow rate goes into my DI Vessel but I do use the same number of turns when opening the tap, IE: Three full turns on.


Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2010, 11:37:47 am »
Try turning the tap water flow rate down, instead of 3 full turns try 2 then 1


  • Posts: 2010
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2010, 05:33:40 pm »
ahh i see what you mean now dai & scrimmy  ;D that makes a lot of sence now, i just could not understand why everyone was banging on about twin vessels, you explained that perfectly dai, so instead of throwing it away at 06 or whatever, put it to the back of the new di vessel until the resin rises to my water tds, completley spending up all the resin, and the cycle restarts again when the new vesels tds rises, put that to the back and so on, i am going to try this out, thanks guys, sorry for being so thick  ;D ;D

GB Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 3262
Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2010, 07:26:48 pm »
yep thats what i do 2 vessals


Re: anyone d i only
« Reply #59 on: September 22, 2010, 06:02:59 pm »
Just like to thank the posters for excellent advice that will save me a lot of money  ;D