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Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
How Much for LM Cleaning?
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:42:42 am »
I've got an office block with 7 floors of carpet tiles, each 300 sqm.
How much per metre for LM Cleaning? (roughly)
How long would it take to do 300 sqm?(roughly)


Colin Day

Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 09:12:39 am »
I've sent you an email ;)


  • Posts: 3617
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 02:09:51 pm »


I really cant believe your asking this question, a man of your experience surly can calculate this taking oll the usual things into account of course.

Now as I dont know what method of lm you are to be using i can only give you a figure of what i would charge for this .
£1 .00  per sq metre for that amount using encap and get it done in 2 good days , providing i dont have to visit again to post vac, get the custy to do that with their in house cleaners .

why not let us all know what you would charge ? !!!! be interesting to see the comparisons .

who ever said dont knock before u try ,i never tried dog crap but i know i wouldnt like  haha

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 05:37:02 pm »
Hi Guys

I don't have a fixed price, quoted two commercial today, one at 1.90 per square metre and the other at 3.
Depends on size, hassle, how much I want it etc .



Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2010, 05:42:04 pm »
I thought it was a perfectly reasonable question given that despite my long experience I have never used any form of lm cleaning. Perhaps I should have asked how many sq yards per hour can you clean with lm methods?


Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2010, 05:46:30 pm »
how many sq yards per hour can you clean with lm methods?

About 40 - 50% of what the manufacturers tell you.


  • Posts: 209
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 06:08:31 pm »
85p to £1 per sq metre on that quantity if you want the job. Tho in the realms of the 1000s of sq m should price it on time taken / YOUR wage required (around 100 to 200sqm per hour depending how good your team is and logistics of job ie access, furniture to move, vaccing, water location, time constraints etc)  Based on a pound a square metre there are a lots of CC who will get it done in 2 days for a lot less than £2k. If they getting multiple quotes I reckon they will get prices anywhere between 1 and 2k so somewhere between that bout right I reckon.  That said and done - my neck of the woods is probs a lot dif to yours, we have folk up here who will beat themselves up for a tenner!! lol



  • Posts: 3617
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 05:52:05 am »
Simon in responce to your reply,

I recall you asking the same/similer question a cpl of years ago , forgive me if i I am wrong  ???

but I dont think so !!  and I replied with a similer answer ,along with lots if other replies from members.

I know I am getting on a bit ,but I aint lost my marbles or my memory yet ;)  and as you have pointed out yds per hour would infact give you something to work on, but again the question is. What l/m system ?

who ever said dont knock before u try ,i never tried dog crap but i know i wouldnt like  haha

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2010, 06:17:41 am »
I may well of done but can't think why as I have always been one of those ill informed cc's who frowned on such methods, but am now in the process of perhaps having to eat my words >:(

The method I intend using on the next outing is on given me by Paul Elliot:
1. Prevac.
2. Fill a mop bucket with hot water and add 1 scoop of Pure Clean per 5 litres of hot water. Proceed to dunk your cotton pads.
3. Mix up a sprayer with hot water and Pure Clean, 1 scoop per litre.
4. Prespray the area heavily.
5. Get a red floor cleaning pad and go over the prespray area.
6. Get your dunked bonnet and using the mop wringer, lightly wring out the cotton pad, it need to be dripping wet.
7. Go over the area you just agitated with the bonnet.

Got some Rotobrite II & Rotobrite staingard to try as well.


Dean Wilson

Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 10:10:07 pm »
I may well of done but can't think why as I have always been one of those ill informed cc's who frowned on such methods, but am now in the process of perhaps having to eat my words >:(

The method I intend using on the next outing is on given me by Paul Elliot:
1. Prevac.
2. Fill a mop bucket with hot water and add 1 scoop of Pure Clean per 5 litres of hot water. Proceed to dunk your cotton pads.
3. Mix up a sprayer with hot water and Pure Clean, 1 scoop per litre.
4. Prespray the area heavily.
5. Get a red floor cleaning pad and go over the prespray area.
6. Get your dunked bonnet and using the mop wringer, lightly wring out the cotton pad, it need to be dripping wet.
7. Go over the area you just agitated with the bonnet.

Got some Rotobrite II & Rotobrite staingard to try as well.


Dear me ............ Simon, good that you're open to try new methods and I honestly believe that HWE (certanly TM) users will be a minority to LM users in 5 years from now, but where are you getting this advice on expert rotary cleaning ????

Sorry for these capitals is advance;   FORGET PURE CLEAN !!

Also, you DON'T want your pad to be dripping wet!! (maybe this was a typo to be fair).

My honest suggestion if you get this job would be to take someone along who is as much as an expert in LM as you may be in HWE.   It's the only way you'll see the real potential of rotary methods.  If you try to 'make it up as you go' on this job, you'll learn a great method: badly.

Your Rotobrite II isn't too bad (although I believe it uses peroxide!) but there are still other rotary chems out there far better than it.   Drop JasonL or someone really clued up on this an email and get some serious advice.

Having done rotary carpet cleaning for 11 years, I have used all the good and bad chems. I'd now only use;

- Fusion Clean
- Activator
- Catalyst
- Encapuclean (yes it works with a rotary as well as CRB)
- Rotobrite (at a push)
- Prochem Bonnet Buff (at a real push)

Texatherm chems can get EXCELLENT results but I do not like the pH actions in their process.  (Taking the pH really high, then neutralizing).  I don't think that's the way to go in rotary cleaning.


  • Posts: 627
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2010, 04:57:11 pm »

I bow to your obvious knowledge about LM cleaning and no, I am being serious.

I have just got a regular contract to clean the carpets in the corridors of a local national chain of hotels on  a monthly basis.

When I went to do a test they were expecting porty or TM but I convinced them of the benefit of regular clean drying quickly which they have taken up.

Previously I did a big local office with LM and Bonnet Buff by Prochem after builders had wanted it done so they could patch in old tiles with new so I thought the physical action of a big heavy roto would help to blend them all in and they have taken me on as well.

My point after all that is whats wrong with Bonnet Buff thats what my local supplier recommened? The hotel manager and house keeper are all impressed and so was I.

 We turned faded dull carpet into bright gold!  Mine is a maintenance clean so I am not starting from Grot, they vac and then I spray bonnet buff and then roto it with pads which I wring out in my hard floor mop wringer.

Who makes fusion and whats it like for economy, BB at 300mls per 5 liters is a lot of product in my view.


Steve. Taylor

  • Posts: 1036
Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2010, 05:49:04 pm »
Who makes fusion and whats it like for economy, BB at 300mls per 5 liters is a lot of product in my view.

Murky its solutions product
Steve T       All the gear but no idea!

Colin Day

Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2010, 06:44:56 pm »

why not let us all know what you would charge ? !!!! be interesting to see the comparisons .


I choose not too, that's my right, deal with it ;)

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405

Colin Day

Re: How Much for LM Cleaning?
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2010, 06:57:14 pm »

You're very welcome....

I was advised what to charge by a very good source.

All the best, Colin...