Absolutely, it may be surprising to some but cleaning is a lot more than just hiring people that say they know how to clean.
You need to know what cleans and why I mean some people still fall for the Fairy is for cleaning windows con lol
I spent three months on a course at Trinity College Oxford learning how to use natural resources and how to make our own cleaning materials. There are also many everyday items that do a better job than what is marketed as "the best".
Most of the best known brands are designed to clean but also use base chemicals that helps the dirt to "stick" to surfaces.
It is a bit like the tobacco industry they design a product you like but they also include ingredients that make you want more.
If you clean yet do not know how to use lemon juice you are only wiping the dirt off leaving behind a film that attracts dirt which makes you use more more often and on and on goes the cycle.
That's also why pure water leaves the windows cleaner for longer because they don"t leave that sticky residue on the glass for the dirt to stick too.
Try the tomato sauce and if it doesn't work I will send you the money back and a free tin of brasso