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  • Posts: 446
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2010, 09:21:15 am »
humility is the best form of superiority!

Umm, it is?  ???  ???

Sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Matthew JN

Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2010, 03:58:41 pm »
Hi all,

Just got back of holidays - i was amazed at the response this has provoked.

Yes i had time to mull it over while on a break and guess what ?? when i got back there was a reply in my inbox - saying she was sorry that she inadvertantly upset me !

But with hindsight i wouldn't repeat this - only that she had been ping me around for last 12 months.

But move onwards and upwards and be better for the experience eh ?

Tom White

Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2010, 05:40:24 pm »
humility is the best form of superiority!

Umm, it is?  ???  ???

Sounds like a contradiction in terms.

You can be humble in such a manner that it's a form of superiority.  I can act more humble than you, and in my head, I could think I am better person than you, because I am more humble.

I can be more spiritual than you, and also think I am a better person, because of my level of spirituality.

I can also believe I'm more intelligent than you, because I understand stuff you don't!  ;D

The ego is a funny thing.

Re: Stupid potential customer New
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2010, 06:12:49 pm »

Ian B

  • Posts: 39
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2010, 06:51:10 pm »
I have been reading these letters sent out to 'rude' customers. I feel that this is a very bad area to get into, as, for myself, most of my work comes through word of mouth, and the fact that I am seen all the time in the area. I have had my share of rude and ignorant customers, but have dropped them as 'quietly' as I can.

Usually, if I am asked to do anything extra that is big, I try to leave it 'til next time, saying that I haven't really got the time now (as I have phoned several customers, and they will be expecting me at such and such time time), and I will make a note and will be able to allow the time next time. I even do this with new customers, unless it's a small job. I recently put my prices up, where-upon this woman said "what for, it's only a ladder and a bucket of water". they're just not worth bothering with, and I certainly wouldn't write letters or emails.

I was in a job once where rudeness and abuse was given regularly, and was sent on a course to deal with it. So remember this next time... The problem lies with them.

Tom White

Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2010, 08:05:58 pm »
Sending shirty e-mails to shirty customers will just give them the moral highground.  They'll think, "Well then, we were right about that dodgy rude window cleaner", then put your letter/e-mail in the bin.

Kill them with kindness, and remember that humility is the best form of superiority!

Gold's letter is very good!

It’s not humility is it Tosh, its superiority masquerading as humility.
Have you any idea what humility is?

I wasn't talking about true humility; I thought that was obvious!

And yes, I unfortunately do know what true humility is like.


  • Posts: 1697
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2010, 01:19:49 pm »
Uriah heep was "Ever so Umble", i used to be a roofer and as such we didn't take any crap from customers, that is because customers perceived us as Carnivores where as WC's perceived as Herbivores  or grazers if you like.

I did a roof years ago, the client then decided he didn't like the colour of the tiles and tried to negociate a substantial discount of the agreed price, i told him that as he had not payed for any of the materials supplied they were still my property and if he didn't like them i could take them off a lot quicker than they went on including the underlay and battens, he then said he would pay when he received my invoice, so i went to my van and wrote it out for him, he then said he didn't have his cheque book, i said thats ok i will accept cash, at this point he started mutter incoherently  so i told my mate burt to get onto the scaffold and start removing our tiles, the client then mumbled something about not having the cash on him as obviously a large amount of money was involved, i suggested he get in the van and i would take him to the bank which he did reluctantly.
The point is if you let some clients take control of the situation they will mess you about, from the outset you have to be in control, if you suspect that clients are trying to take the P or disrespecting you don't waste your time with waffley letters, go to their doorstep and get it sorted face to face.   
'Ladders isn't a shiner he's between jobs'


  • Posts: 446
Re: Stupid potential customer
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2010, 01:34:15 pm »
humility is the best form of superiority!

Umm, it is?  ???  ???

Sounds like a contradiction in terms.

You can be humble in such a manner that it's a form of superiority.  I can act more humble than you, and in my head, I could think I am better person than you, because I am more humble.

I can be more spiritual than you, and also think I am a better person, because of my level of spirituality.

I can also believe I'm more intelligent than you, because I understand stuff you don't!  ;D

The ego is a funny thing.

Tosh, stop trying to be clever, you've obviously a long way to go.

Go back to your taxiing  ;D