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Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1981
Bad shoulder
« on: June 30, 2010, 07:32:47 pm »
I did a job about a year ago and have been suffering with a bad shoulder since. With really bad pain some days. Went to the osteopath after a few weeks and he said I had torn a ligament and would heal in 8 months if I rested it. Well I went for a scan last week and have a 2 inch tear and they will have to get in a stitch it. They say 5 - 9 weeks off. ;D Yeah right!

Has anyone else had the same.


trevor perry

  • Posts: 2454
Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 10:19:54 am »
my dad had torn ligament in shoulder and like you they had to go in and stitch it, he was 65 when he had the operation his shoulder isnt sore anymore but he still has problems lifting items above his head like his arm has lost its strentgh it was an extremely painful operation and did take a few week to be able to use it but my dad is old school and was back to work the week after but only using his other arm.
better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove any doubt


  • Posts: 231
Re: Bad shoulder
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 11:28:30 am »
Hi Roy

Did two big blocks of flats in Swindon back in March. Didn't have our SL2 at the time so had to use an old composite pole, which was heavy and whippy. About three days later I was in real trouble. Couldn't lift my arm above waist height, or reach behind me. Went to a chiropracter who told me I'd damaged my rotator cuff muscles. Told me to alternate heat and cold, and dose up on anti-inflamatories. Took one day off, and the  next couple steady, and so far not had any more problems. A tear sounds nasty though, take it easy there!