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R W C™

  • Posts: 1649
Are you like a kid when you recieve new toys....
« on: June 11, 2010, 12:01:36 pm »
I previously put up a post about charlies new shop website being updated

Its great to have another supplier amongst us,

I needed some new bits so thought id give them a go,

I rung Dan in the office at 2pm Weds but didnt let on who I was as didnt want special attention just because im a member of this forum who had mentioned them on here before,and wanted to see what kind of service any genuine buyer would get, I have to say the service was brilliant, very helpful and just as good as I have recieved from some other top suppliers (some) I have used i.e Gardiners, one of the items I ordered I needed today as had a job with bad mineral deposits, Dan assured me I would have it by then and guess what he was right....

So if your thinking of buying anything soon and want to add a trusted supplier to your books give them a go as I can recommend them highly...

01442 831777

So Charlie if your reading this you can tell Dan that the pain in the backside who was asking loads of testing questions on Wednesday was me  ;D


  • Posts: 719
Re: Are you like a kid when you recieve new toys....
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 12:25:18 pm »

I bought a load of traditional gear from charlies shop on Monday, had it delivered first thing Tuesday morning.

I would have to agree that Dan seems to know his stuff and is always very helpful.

